
October 20, 2013

Red Sox Win AL Pennant

Metrowest Daily News:

Fall River Herald News:

Cape Cod Times:


  1. Xander Bogaerts: "It's unbelievable. I shouldn't even be here. The minor league season is over but I'm very blessed to be here. I definitely can't wait for the World Series. Man, I was so nervous the last inning. [Red Sox closer Koji Uehara was] in there throwing strikes, strikes, strikes and it was unbelievable. I had goose bumps all the time."


    He's so young and naive, he's giving real answers to questions, instead of boring cliches. It's great to hear while it lasts.

  2. Making my own Schadenfreude this morning, I read a game thread from last night on a Tigers board. Lots of fans commented they were getting beaten because the Red Sox were just playing smarter baseball. Contrast Prince Fielder's grotesque base running play last night with this article by Speier.

    It paints the picture of an organization committed to thinking hard about what they do, to find every edge. With the young talent that's coming up, and the culture they're going to develop in... it feels like this season might be just the beginning of some exciting times.

  3. He's so young and naive, he's giving real answers to questions, instead of boring cliches. It's great to hear while it lasts.

    So true. Not just naive, but not yet burned by the media, not yet wary and cynical of watching every word that comes out of his mouth, knowing it will be misinterpreted, used against him, used to stir shit up. In that sense, he's not even a professional athlete yet.

  4. That's a great article - thanks for sharing, Tom. We have come a long way from Send'em Sveum.

  5. Re: The Speier article. It's interesting how much the aggressive running style has benefitted the Sox so much this year. I thought that "aggressive" approach was one of the things that drove the Jays fanbase crazy about Farrell. Maybe he either didn't have all the right tools to implement it effectively back then, or he was still refining it.

  6. Maybe he either didn't have all the right tools to implement it effectively back then, or he was still refining it.

    Could be. Also, never underestimate the ignorance of that fanbase, when it comes to baseball.
