
March 31, 2014

2014 W-L Contest Entries

Entries in the 2014 W-L contest.
                 W-L        XB OPS
Laura K        103-59        .700
Tim L           98-64        .794
Paul R          96-66        .796
Dan C           96-66        .777
Bryan C         95-67        .781
James           95-67        .773
John Q          95-67        .742
Rick F          94-68        .940
Sean M          94-68        .900
Matthew K       94-68        .831
Jeff R          94-68        .809
Tom D           94-68        .797
Patrick K       94-68        .781
Ian R           94-68        .745
David F         94-68        .743
Rich G          94-68        .721
Franco B        93-69        .9369
Hillel G        93-69        .862
Brett H         93-69        .850
Philip H        93-69        .844
Chuck C         93-69        .7777
Jeffrey C       93-69        .684
Jeffrey M       92-70        .840
Jacob L         92-70        .799 
Mike K          92-70        .780
Nick R          92-70        .729
Kathryn L       92-70        .702
M Berry         91-71        .751
Brad R          90-72        .865
Timothy C       90-72        .828
Brian G         90-72        .790
Jeffrey Am      90-72        .750
Ron W           89-73        .898
Drew B          89-73        .845
Tim R           89-73        .791
Jeffrey Ab      89-73        .773
Andrew B        89-73        .721
Paul H          88-74        .888
Alan C          88-74        .699

Jared T         82-80        .799
My entry: 93-69, .800.


  1. Good spread of guesses, the yo-yo is up to begin the season!

  2. I really hope that I don't win this one.

  3. I hope I lose to Laura!!

    Yeah!! Last year I did 103 or 104 as a half joke and half pie-in-the-sky optimism. And I very nearly won!
