
March 21, 2016

Ortiz To Bat Flip Haters: Drop Dead

Don't worry. In his last season, Big Papi will still "pimp the [expletive] out of" his home runs:
Of course as a pitcher you're not going to like it if I take you deep, but after I do it, suck it up, man. Take it like a man. I don't mind anybody doing anything when you strike me out or get myself out. You're never going to see me criticizing anybody, because you know what? Whatever you do out there, you just motivate me. ...

This game is competition. This ain't no baby-sitting. There ain't no crying. ... If you're going to take it like a baby, I'm going to take [you] deep again. How about that? Take it like a man and make better, quality pitches the next time I face you, and then you get [me] out, and then you do whatever the hell you want. ...

When you see a pitcher do a fist pump when they strike out any one of us, or jumping on the mound, I don't see anybody talking about that. Nobody's talking about that. Act the same way when we do a bat flip. It's emotion. It is, "I got you." Just like a pitcher does, "I got you," when they strike [you] out. As a hitter, I don't mind. You got myself out? Good for you. They work hard to do that [expletive]. But when I get you, good for me. Period.
Here he is annoying Chris "Guardian of the Game" Archer of the Rays:

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  1. And one against the MFY that was too big for tinypic.

  2. And Archer was the same guy that stared down Nava in 2013 after striking him out, following which he kissed his own bicep. It was either later that year or sometime in the next year when he started lecturing about how Ortiz was disrespecting the game.

  3. Chris Archer is a mere fly in the ointment. He can only hope to have half the career that Ortiz has enjoyed.

  4. This discussion about "respecting the game" has always struck me as something between odd and hilarious. It's not like they're doing anything remotely flamboyant. Is a little throw of the bat or fist pump really that annoying? Has no baseball player ever seen a soccer game?

  5. Definitely both odd and hilarious. Baseball is so crazy that way, with the "unwritten rules" and all the hand-wringing about "players today".
