
April 2, 2016

ESPN Posts 2016 Predictions

31 staffers at ESPN offered their predictions for 2016:
AL East
Blue Jays  19
Red Sox     8
Rays        2
Yankees     2
Orioles     0

AL Pennant
Astros      9
Blue Jays   8
Royals      8
Red Sox     4
Cleveland   1
Rangers     1

NL Pennant
Cubs       19
Giants      6
Nationals   3
Mets        3

World Series
Cubs       14
Blue Jays   4
Royals      4
Astros      3
Mets        2
Giants      2
Rangers     1
Nationals   1
Also: Keith Law:
I see four flawed contenders [in the AL East], and a team with its engine stuck in reverse. The Red Sox strike me as the least flawed contender, a team with a potential 850-run offense and enough improvement in run prevention to sneak away with the division. I feel as if their defense is particularly underrated, but getting Hanley Ramirez out of left field and Pablo Sandoval entirely off the field helps, while on some nights they'll run out plus defenders at four or five spots.
AL East Projected Standings
Red Sox    90-72
Blue Jays  87-75
Rays       83-79
Yankees    83-79
Orioles    74-88

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