
April 2, 2017

Red Sox 2017 W-L Contest Entries

Here are the entries for this year's Red Sox 2017 W-L contest.
               W-L     SALE ERA

Jere S        104-58     2.34
Laura K       102-60     3.25
Chris S       101-61     2.99
Chris J       101-61     3.41
Zack P        101-61     3.42
Rick M        100-62     3.03
Paul H         99-63     3.57
Ben A          98-64     2.75
hrstrat57      98-64     3.02
John Q         97-65     2.91
Stephen S      97-65     2.94
Warren S       97-65     2.95
Charles G      97-65     3.27
Tim L          97-65     3.81
Duncan C       96-66     3.13
Patrick K      96-66     3.48
Anthony D      95-67     2.18
Kathryn L      95-67     3.07
Jeff M         95-67     3.12
Michael G      94-68     3.27
Jim M          94-68     3.38
Dr. Jeff       94-68     3.40
Barry W        94-68     3.45
Shawn K        94-68     3.45
Matt K         94-68     3.57
Allan W        93-69     3.25
Jeff L         92-70     3.08
Miles L        92-70     3.11
Ian R          92-70     3.68
Rich G         91-71     3.01
Andrew M       91-71     3.12
Matthew H      91-71     3.16
Timothy C      91-71     3.18
Brian B        91-71     3.23
David F        91-71     3.37
Peter L        91-71     3.53
Joshua H       90-72     3.27
John G         90-72     3.50
Warwick D      89-73     3.28 
Jeffrey A      89-73     3.68
Jeff F         87-75     3.21

The winner will receive a copy of The New Baseball Bible: Notes, Nuggets, Lists, and Legends from Our National Pastime, by Dan Schlossberg.

Note: I was surprised to receive so many entries (39 (from people who do not live in my apartment)). I have been doing less with the blog over the last few seasons, and I posted very little during the winter and spring training, so it's nice to see people are still reading.


  1. We all hope Jere wins & is at least 20 games short !!!

  2. I sent an entry in on 27th March. Which sadly you didn't get.

  3. Just checked through my emails - and it looks like I did get it. I usually put them in the txt file right away, so I'm not sure why this one slipped through the cracks ... It's in the post now.

  4. Jere & Laura with the optimism!

  5. Since there are five Jeff's, and two Jeffrey A's, you can change me to Dr. Jeff (94 wins).

  6. No sub .500 entries, which demonstrates that there is renewed optimism on the State of the Sox among the fan base!

  7. I missed all those math classes. Let's hope for one good rain out and then I'll be sitting pretty.

  8. Jere & Laura with the optimism!

