
July 22, 2020

And 2020 Keeps Getting Better And Better . . .


Thanks for a fantastic six years, Mookie!

What else is there to say?  Just this ...

Here are two comments from Twitter:
The Red Sox could've paid Mookie Betts the $350-400 million he's about to get from the Dodgers. They chose not to. Don't ever forget that.

Just remember, the Red Sox could have signed their 27 year old MVP/World Series champion, but they chose not too.
There will be many, many, many, many more similarly-worded tweets. People may believe those comments, but they are not true. Here is what is true:

No one can force Mookie Betts to sign a Red Sox contract if Mookie Betts does not want to sign a Red Sox contract.

Not for $100 million. Not for $350-400 million. Not for $900 million.

When presented with a contract extension from his current team or as a free agent, Mookie Betts can decide where he wants to play. That is how baseball works.

The Red Sox's last offer to Mookie Betts was an extension of 10/300. His counter-offer was 12/420. What if he had told the Red Sox he wanted two addition years and would agree to Boston's annual offer? That would have been 12/360. But he chose not to. He agreed to 12/365 with the Dodgers today.


  1. My prediction is that Betts will break down in a way similar to Pedroia. Contract years age 34 and on will be a laugher

  2. Welp, inevitable I suppose.

    Just put NESN on for this game tonight - it appears they're not letting the empty seats go to waste - they've just found a section for MORE ADS! Top right next to the NESN logo. Maybe this would've been there had there been fans in the seats. In any event, we are now "blessed" with a permanent ad on every pitch from the CF cam.

  3. Shut off after half-inning. O'Brien + fake crowd noise - don't think I'll be watching much baseball this year unfortunately. Forgot OB was the announcer, insufferable.

  4. After he was traded, I cared about one thing: That the Yankees don't sign him this coming off-season. The Dodgers just ended that potential nightmare!

  5. Maybe in 10 years, we can take on what will now be a bloated contract and have him come back to Boston for a couple years of diminished production.

    Sounds like I'll end up watching a lot of baseball on mute.

  6. Too bad the mute button doesn't save you from NESN showing Tim Wakefield live from another studio during the game. What nonsense. Looks like even for we diehards this 60 gamer is going to feel like a long season. (but I doubt we'll get to the end).
