
February 21, 2006

Foulke Looking, Feeling, Good

Keith Foulke had his first bullpen session, throwing for 13 minutes. His seems much improved, in body and mind:
My legs didn't hurt. I thought I was getting in a proper position of getting down, driving through the ball. For the most part, I was throwing the ball down in the zone. ... My arm feels better now than it has in probably a couple of years. I can throw the ball now, and it’s got some life and some carry and some zip behind it, and that makes me happy. ... I'm going back to [being] the pitcher of 2000 and 2001 -- strong, with good velocity to where you can dominate hitters. I want to go back to striking guys out and getting weak fly balls and weak ground balls. ...

I'm a lot more focused. A lot of things are off my mind. My personal life is straightened out. When you see the dark side of life, there's only one way to go. That's up. I was disappointed in myself last year, more than anybody else on earth. I'm my own worst critic. If I'm happy, everybody will be happy. I feel a lot better this year.
The other big topic of conversation is Matt Clement and his rebound from his poor ALDS start -- ProJo, Courant, Herald, Globe.

Jason Varitek on catching Josh Beckett for the first time: "It's an easy arm action. You almost have to put a governor on him to hold him back a little bit because he looks like he's in great shape." ... What does that mean?

Many links regarding Curt Gowdy are here.

David Ortiz talked about Manny. Also, when asked what he misses most about Johnny Damon, he said: "Michelle".


  1. Clement's off to a great start by shaving off that god-awful gotee.

    A-men! Now it's your turn, Josh.

  2. If Foulke is back to his old self, the Sox win the division.

  3. Man, I thought the rush of hope was kind of sick during the 1918-2004 stretch. But now it's getting worse than ever.

    We don't expect anyone to talk about how awful things seem during the spring, but even given that, it does sound good.

    Wells doesn't seem healthy, though, neither willing nor able?
