
March 21, 2006

Joe Morgan: Worldwide Leader In Idiocy

Japan's 10-6 win over Cuba last night wasn't as exciting as I had hoped, though I was shocked that Cuba pulled its starter after only four batters (a groundout, two infield singles, and a walk).

First, a big Fuck You to ESPN for deciding to show an NIT 2nd round college basketball game instead of the first inning of the WBC Final. (Yes, I know the hoops game went into double OT, but "the worldwide leader in sports" also has more than one channel at its disposal.) Plus, the crawl on my TV stated the start of the game was "delayed by ESPN". That was a lie.

Frustrated, I went to (which ran the WBC website) figuring they'd have the game. Nope, they had the ESPN feed. Unbelievable. Just beyond lame ... and yet so, so typical of MLB.

Joe Morgan blabbed his usual blather for nine innings, but it was his "descriptions" of the two teams' playing styles that was the high point of the night for me. Morgan said the Cuban players were "fiery" and "emotional" while the Japanese were "calculating" and "scientific".

Thanks for that "insight", Joe. I'm surprised Morgan didn't call Team Japan "inscrutable" -- though maybe he had already used that adjective for China. (The good people at FJM are way ahead of me.)

And I swear I heard Morgan refer to Japan's manager as "Sodomharu Oh".


  1. It would have been funnier if he called the Cuban team "hungry."

  2. Dude, I am so glad someone else saw that and hated it. "Fiery"?! "Scientific"?! Jesus.

    This is completely true: I screamed (to the SO's dismay), "Please call them 'inscrutable', pleeeeeeeease!"

    I also liked, "I habla enough espanol..."

  3. I can't believe that they didn't get in serious hot water for those comments. Probably just "not racist enough" to be "okay." Nuts.

    Love your bio pic, by the way.

  4. I can't believe that they didn't get in serious hot water for those comments. Probably just "not racist enough" to be "okay."

    Most viewers probably don't even understand why it's racist.

    Love your bio pic, by the way.

    *clears throat*
