
June 5, 2006

G55: Yankees 13, Red Sox 5

I missed a three-week stretch of games, but that's gotta be the ugliest loss of the season.

Beckett had nothing (1.1-7-8-2-1); the Yankees pounded five hits on his first 11 pitches of the second inning. Although it was clear that Beckett was useless, Terry Francona didn't even get anyone up until New York's 8th batter of the inning (HGHiambi) crushed a three-run homer off the third deck facade to make it 8-2. What is Beckett's problem? He looked horrible in Toronto and downright useless tonight.

A five-spot in the third put the game pretty much out of reach. And honestly, saying 13-5 makes the game sound a hell of a lot closer than it really was. (I cannot believe Torre used Proctor (his 28th appearance) and Rivera (whose status I thought was "only in an emergency"). Not that I'm not complaining ...)

ESPN (Gary Thorne and Rick "Why God Invented Mute" Sutcliffe) had the game, so I watched most of it -- certainly after the second inning -- without sound. Still, I was lucky enough to hear Thorne say that "there are a lot of Red Sox fans here. When the Boston lineup was announced, there were a lot of cheers, but when the Yankees fans get here, that will be the end of that."

When he said this, it was the top of the 2nd and the game had been going on for 36 minutes. When the Yankees fans get here ...

Still, a loss is a loss, whether it is 13-5, 564-0 or 19-8. So let's regroup for tomorrow, pound Wang and give David Pauley the kind of run support that Mussina enjoyed tonight.


Lineups, from the Herald:
Crisp, CF Damon, CF
Loretta, 2B Cabrera, LF
Ortiz, DH Giambi, DH
Ramirez, LF Rodriguez, 3B
Nixon, RF Posada, C
Youkilis, 1B Cano, 2B
Lowell, 3B Phillips, 1B
Varitek, C Williams, RF
Gonzalez, SS Cairo, SS
I like Tek 8th for now. Nice lineup, Tito. Seriously ... You too, Joe!

Should we now call him Slappy McRedlips?


Beckett / Mussina, 7 PM


  1. And they all come tumbling down....boom boom boom splat.

  2. That's an... um... interesting picture of A-Rod that they picked...

  3. whelp, that sucked.

    and that cascade of bad throws in the first....w-t-f. so out of character. screwy!

  4. yeah, i was quite pissed at that bad news bears outtake in the first inning.

    then, not too many minutes later, i didn't care about it at all.

  5. Is there where Manny says "Turn the page"? Ugh.

  6. And Thorne spent the entire game pronouncing Posada's first name as "Whore-Day"!

    Let's see:

    1. This is Posada's 12th season in the majors -- and for his entire career, he's played for a pretty high-profile team that most ESPN announcers have heard of.

    2. Thorne is a long-time announcer whose full-time job it is to follow, watch and talk about major league baseball.

    3. Most, if not all, press kits include phonetic pronounciations of every player's name. In fact, ESPN's own page on Posada includes such a guide.

    Does Thorne even care he's showing himself up as an idiot in front of millions of fans? ... Maybe he got into Sut's stash of hootch during the anthem?

  7. lol. whore-day? i mean, whore-gay i would mayyyybe (not really) understand. maybe i'm missing something.

    seriously tho. i just don't understand how beckett could make that many mistakes in such a short period of time.

    i watched the ad-bonanza that is extra innings (i only like it when eck is on), and eck is right--he was just throwing, not pitching. like 4-seamers i think. and they had some stat like he reached his career high of homeruns given up in a season with 16 so far, but his career high was after like 178 innings pitched or something. he has only thrown about 78 so far. startling.

  8. I think that Cora vs. Gonzo thing needs to go away. I will take Gonzo at short everyday. Cora is much needed as backup. Leave it that way.

    Beckett was just throwing fastballs. His curve wasn't snapping, so they just sit on the fastball. He wasn't getting ahead of batters. Hopefully, with two bad starts in a row, he will make adjustments with Tek and starting pitching. He will be OK.

    Tek's TWO GIDP killed the Sox rallies. The 8 foot wide strike zone for Mussina in the 1st inning killed that rally as well.

    I can't even begin to name the atrocities that the ESPN douchebags were throwing out there. Its time to start writing to ESPN about this.

    Get 'em tonite.
