
August 27, 2006

Running Out Of Time

The Red Sox have had four chances in five days to gain ground on the Yankees in the standings and have taken advantage only once. Boston was 6.5 GB on Tuesday morning.
       NYY      SOX    GB
0822 L 6-5 L 4-3 6.5
0823 W 9-2 W 5-4 6.5
0824 L 4-2 W 2-1 5.5
0825 L 6-5 L 6-0 5.5
0826 L 12-7 L 4-3 5.5
Banged Up: Josh Beckett hopes the cut on his right middle finger has healed so he can pitch on Tuesday. ... Manny Ramirez has patellar tendinitis in his right knee. ... Wily Mo Pena has a sore left wrist. ... Kevin Youkilis is recovering from a stomach flu. ... Mark Loretta has a strained left quadriceps. ... Coco Crisp's right shoulder is sore. ... David Ortiz spent a night in a hospital last weekend. ... Trot Nixon, Jason Varitek, Alex Gonzalez, Tim Wakefield, and Matt Clement are on the disabled list.

And a presumably healthy Mike Timlin has allowed 18 earned runs in his last 21.1 innings and five home runs in his last 14 games. ... In the five games on this road trip, the Red Sox are batting .209 (34-for-163) and have scored 13 runs. 24 of their 34 hits have been singles.

Last night, Raul Ibanez tagged up from first and went to second on a fly ball to Crisp that did not even reach the warning track. The play at second was not close. It was ugly, but not as bad as the night Carl Crawford scored from second on a fly ball to Johnny Damon.


  1. Timlin appears to be delusional. Check it out:

  2. What'd he say? I can't get the link.

  3. All from the game story:

    "It was pretty far outside, it was a good pitch," Timlin said of the gopherball to Beltre. "It's at that point in the game, you have to make them beat you the other way -- and that's what he did. The pitch was probably about three or four inches outside."

    Timlin wasn't that upset about the location of the other pitches, either.

    "I threw the ball exceptionally well. If you go back and look at the replays, all the pitches were off the plate," Timlin said. "Ibanez's was probably four or five inches off the plate, Sexson's was down and away. He's a pull hitter. [I was] trying to get him to roll over it and he just got it off the end of the bat. Broussard, down and away, he gets under it and hits a sac fly." ...

    Even in defeat, Timlin didn't care to take back what he did.

    "I did what I wanted to do, I felt good doing what I wanted to do," said Timlin. "I can live with that. I can look in the mirror in there and go, 'I did exactly what I wanted to do when you wanted to do it and you got beat.'"

  4. Yes, he is delusional. Which should come as no surprise, given some of the other things this guy believes.

    So glad he can look in the mirror - when none of us can stand to see him on our TVs.

  5. Timlin has beenblaming anyone, anything other than his poor pitch location since his rapid demise. That's why in a close game, Little Manny should be the first option. But the Red Sox, OUR Sox, have to stop right now with the .500 (or worse) baseball, before the oh so soon Friday start to September is upon us. 3 in A-land would be a great way to come home. To us. To Fenway. And love. And Papi nearing 50 at the Fens, where we will go nuts.
