
January 29, 2007

Schilling Says He'll Pitch In 2008

Curt Schilling told WEEI today that he will not retire after this season and is currently talking with the front office about a contract extension. (Here's a link to a ton of quotes and an mp3 file of the interview.)
I will play in 2008. ... I hope it's Boston ... It wouldn't be in New York. No. I could not make that move.
Hmmmm, I remember a certain CF saying the same thing.

Anyway, despite Curt's wish to get this settled before Opening Day, I'd like Theo to hold off and see how Schilling pitches for a couple of months before extending him to another season or two.


  1. What did Meche sign for? According to WEEI Schilling posted on SOSH that he's not looking for a raise etc. Personally, I think you ask for a physical, then sign him.

  2. I think he's getting $12.5m.

    You'd want to see how he did this year for sure, but since you obviously don't have that option...I'd say it's even money on whether or not you end up regretting giving him the same money. Don't know if he deserves the $2m bonus if they were to win the WS in '08, tho!

  3. Didn't MLB say the WS bonus was against the rules?

    Schilling's two SOSH posts:

    10:47 AM
    I wouldn't be asking for a raise to play in '08, everyone involved knows that. The Sox knew well before anyone other than my family that this decision had been made.
    The well wishes are nice and appreciated.
    Now let's get that Helton guy over here.....

    10:53 AM
    I'm sticking to '08 for now. Easiest way to handle this for them and for myself.
    Oh and they knew awhile back we had made this decision.

    Good to take this year by year. Sign Curt for $8-10 for 2008, maybe with a renewable option like Wakefield.

    FWIW, SoSHer xjack writes:
    "My cousin recently ran into Schilling at a health club in Wayland, and he said Schilling looked frighteningly bloated -- like had put on 25 pounds during the offseason."

  4. says that because MLB didn't catch the bonus, it stayed in, but in principle is against the rules.

  5. We'd BETTER sign him, and before spring training! And what a class thing to Yankees for him. Our ace, for two years more. Happy!!

  6. And no Helton? Way OK for me...the Rockies wanted way too much...we get to see Mr. Doubles at the hot corner, and sure-handed "get on base" Youk at first. Cornerstones of a great infield!!!!! OUR INFIELD!!!

  7. Speaking of Schilling pitching in '08:


  8. I agree, I'd love to have Schill in '08 but we need to see how he does this season first.
