
March 22, 2007

First Canada, Then the World ...

Jere initially saw it in the print edition (Dice is on the cover).

You can vote here. It's pretty cool even to be considered for inclusion in the poll, let alone be option (A). ... SoSH deserves every vote.


  1. Sure. Now let's see if we can stuff the--I mean, get the word out to vote for Joy!

  2. Oh, and look how he's willing to let SoSH have the title--only the TRUE owner of this trophy would do that.

    Kramer, the bike is yours.

  3. There is a long private thread at SoSH. Sounds like Dirty Shorts was ahead by a bunch and then the SoSHers started voting.

    Someone suggested that after SoSH was up by a sizable margin, to put JOS 2nd. That would be nice.

  4. Redsock--Congrats!! This is HUGE--getting equal billing in this lofty pub. The poll asks for the best place for Red Sox information--so what the hell is Dirt Dogs doing there? You get as much info there as you do on page 6 of your toilet tabloids. Gotta get out that vote! No shame in coming in second on this one.

  5. Ray! Alright! (I go back about 27 years with accudart (in VT).) I'm glad to finally have him onboard.

    These selections are weird. BDD gets stuff up quickly, but it isn't really news (except for Globe links) -- it's much more photo oriented.

    Soxaholix is fun, but it's more goofy in the way Surviving Grady is. It does what it does very well -- though SG's style has worn a bit thin for me.

    Over The Monster or Firebrand of the AL would have been good choices.

  6. Redsock: It has to be the greatest compliment in Sports Blog history......Freakin SI man...SI

    SOSH to me is more just comments, you provide insight and opinon....

    I saw this and have the issue of I had to show it to my wife....

    I feel as though a little part of me is also in SI....Thank You for that........

    SI .....sweet.......

    Don't think about it just enjoy it...


  7. You guys, did you know Allan's book "Babe Ruth & the 1918 Red Sox" was reviewed in SI? A very positive review - so positive that we got a pull-quote on the cover of a later edition: "An entertaining and exhaustive account of a tumultuous season..."

    That's exhaustive account, not exhausting. :-)

  8. Now in 2nd by 418. Have been slowly pulling away for days. When does this thing end?

  9. Have you been contacted by the organization?
