
April 18, 2007

Tickets For Tonight

For any Ontario readers: I have 4 extra tickets for tonight's game at Skydome. Email me if you would like to go. Very nice seats, at half-price ($20).

Also: I took some so-so pictures at last night's game. Jere has them up at his blog. He's trying to get fans in away cities to take pix at Sox away and email them to him to post (volunteer if you can). It's a cool idea, even if the pictures (mine included) all tend to look the same (BP, faraway shots of ABs, etc.) I'm sending him pictures from tonight and Thursday afternoon too.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug--I'm still in need of correspondents in Tampa, Arizona, LA, Atlanta, and Detroit. But I'll take more people from any other cities! And you'll get a prize from me...
