
May 22, 2007

G45: Red Sox 7, Yankees 3

All those New York writers who were typing that the Yankees were on their way back because they had won two (!) games in a row can now go back to finishing up those obits.


Julian Tavarez (5.59, 78 ERA+) / Mike Mussina (5.64, 73 ERA+)

Sexy Lips turns 34 today! ... This is his second start this season at Yankee Stadium. In Boston's win on April 29, he pitched five innings, allowing three hits and three runs.

Mike Lowell is 7-for-14 against Mussina and Coco Crisp is 8-for-20.

Hideki Okajima's scoreless streak of 20.2 innings is the longest for a Sox lefty since Bruce Hurst threw 21.2 in May 1987. ... When they score at least five runs, the Red Sox are 23-0. ... When Boston leads after six innings, they are 22-1.


  1. it's back to 10.5 GB tonight yankees ;p

  2. I see where Tim posted #200 comment on the last game thread. Shall we go for 250 tonight?

    Tough match up tonight. Mussina has a 1.17 WHIP at Yankee stadium and is 6 and 4 in 14 starts vs the Sox. 10 of those starts were quality starts. However he has been struggling this year. He would struggle more if he didn't have an automatic out in Varitek.

    For some reason though I have a feeling that Tavarez will go nuts tonight and pitch a very good game. 2 hrs 27 minutes till first pitch.

  3. When Boston leads after six innings, they are 22-1.

    Guess who was there for the -1?

  4. Sean - Look at that as an opportunity to see something different from the Sox this year. That just makes you special!

    From the Sox press release for today's game:
    JULIAN TAVAREZ is 34 today…The last ML pitcher to start and win on his birthday was the Dodgers’ Derek Lowe on June 1, 2006 vs.
    Philadelphia…Last Sox pitcher to both start and to win on his birthday was Josh Beckett, May 15, 2006 at Baltimore.

  5. The FIRST pro-baseball pitcher to win on his or her birthday was the Boston Red Stockings' (now the Atlanta Braves) Al Spalding, who beat the Cleveland Forest Citys, 31-10, on his 21st birthday, September 2nd, 1871.

    (At least he's the first with an actual birthdate listed.)

    Maybe, if Tavarez wins tonight, all baseballs, someday, will bear the Tavarez name.

  6. whoa 31-10? damn.

    happy birthday tavz!! a-ha taurus/gemini cusp. dynamic fellow :)

  7. More impressive: He started all 31 of his team's games, finishing 22 of them. It was the norm for there to be basically one pitcher per team back then. As I recall:)

  8. Julio Lugo, SS
    Kevin Youkilis, 1B
    David Oritz, DH
    Manny Ramirez, LF
    J.D. Drew, RF
    Mike Lowell, 3B
    Jason Varitek, C
    Coco Crisp, CF
    Dustin Pedroia, 2B
    Julian Tavarez, P

    Johnny Damon, CF
    Derek Jeter, SS
    Hideki Matsui, LF
    Alex Rodriquez, 3B
    Jorge Posada, C
    Bobby Abreu, LF
    Jason Giambi, DH
    Robinson Cano, 2B
    Doug Mientkiewicz, 1B
    Mike Mussina, P

  9. His or her? I wasn't aware that pro-baseball had ever allowed women!

  10. So far this year the Sox are 2 and 4 on Tuesday's. Last nights loss made Monday's a losing day also. Those are the only two days of the week that the Sox losing records on.

  11. NESN!!!!

    W-L on days of the week? Yeesh.

  12. ahaha just heard the 'boston sucks' chant. oh my lol ;D

  13. thankyou hickcock. thankyou.

    basehit for youk ;D

  14. Need to get a run here, any time you can get to the moose early you have to take it.

  15. I have such an irrational hatred for Mussina's dipping motion.

  16. FUCK YEAH --- 3-0




  18. #51 against the Yankees whoooooo, boy.

  19. Holy god.

    That was the best noise I've ever heard off the bat. Kuh-rushed.

  20. I have such an irrational hatred for Mussina's dipping motion.

    i'm the same with his pre-pitch constipated glare.

  21. His tumbling catch last night was sweet, but it's also nice to know Manny's not just a glove man.

  22. I want to be like Mikeyyyyy!!!

  23. Was Mussina delayed 20 secnds from his start and unable to adjust???

    85-86 FB -- yeah, that'll work!!!

    Moose = Toast

  24. YES! Apologies about yesterday guys - I had to give a talk and was therefore unable to wear my clearly-lucky-against-the-Yankees Papelbon shirt. So, sorry about that. It's on today, and so far, working great. :)

  25. It would be nice to knock Mussina out early, so come on Coco.

  26. redsock-
    The 86-87 isn't the problem, the ruler-straight part is. If it were dipping and twirling like the rest of his pitches, it'd be one thing.

    C'mon Crisp, toast 'em.

  27. aight lets hope tavz has a speedy inning so we can get back to the feeding frenzy ;D

  28. Damn, so pissed stealing wireless at a coffee pub in waterloo, with the hope of watching my slingbox when it turns out theres a problem back home with the satellite connected to the slingbox - 0% signal! looks like its gameday for me :-(

    lousy canada with its lack of beisbol (that isnt the boojays)

  29. Who has the sexiest lips of all?

  30. mussina threw 31 pitches in the 1st.

  31. Jackie-
    Just because you had a talk doesn't mean you couldn't have the shirt on underneath. When the Sox hit October and I have my pathetic, gnarly, patchy Playoff Beard (redsock and all other males better do it too), I won't shave it if I have a major presentation.

    All you have to do is wear a shirt. c'mon.

  32. *almost* had that one, slappy!!!

  33. Also, I hate Julio Lugo. Time to drop him to 8th.

    Youk / Pedroia / Ortiz / Manny. If only someone saw this coming...

  34. Sean - I know, I know, I'm a horrible fan. But I like to think that if it was October (or if NYY was closer in the standings) I would've had the tee on regardless.

    I'll go hang my head in shame now...

  35. 7:31:00 PM I said:
    looks like its gameday for me :-(

    Well, I bit the bullet and decided to subscribe to a month's worth of MLB-TV, lol....cant go without it.

  36. Sean said patchy Playoff Beard (redsock and all other males better do it too), I won't shave it if I have a major presentation.

    Some of us can't grow even a patchy beard. Even when out to sea for sixty plus days my beard looked like most male 2 day growths. So I think I have to pass on that.

  37. Tim-
    You ever tried canceling Welcome to your new annual subscription!

    On another note, kudos to JoS for having the most female fans of probably any superweb board. Certainly the most of anyone i've seen, both relatively, and percentage-wise.

  38. 21 outs to go!


    no beards for me. ever.

  39. atta boy, SL....

    thought i would post a screenshot of my current screen for all to enjoy :P

    clearly i dont procrastinate doing my homework at all...

  40. it's not a beard, it's a playoff beard. It brings the team good luck, and shows solidarity with everyone else. You'll be walking down the street in Toronto and see someone else with a B on his cap and a horrible attempt at stubble, and there'll be a connection.

  41. I've cancelled it a few times before

  42. So... think the Indians will give us a do-over on letting go of Trot?

  43. Drew is on a record pace for GDP's this year. That is his third this year. For his career he has only hit into 36.

  44. SEXY LIPS!

    3 more to go, I want my shirt!

  45. So... think the Indians will give us a do-over on letting go of Trot?

    I hope not.

  46. I don't know, a one year loaner for Trot, then Ellsbury in right next year? Would've been sweet.


  47. For those 'watching' on gameday, they couldn't have gotten the location of Lowell's homer more wrong. It hit the foul pole, and gameday has it in the 20th row about 40' off the line.

  48. For those 'watching' on gameday, they couldn't have gotten the location of Lowell's homer more wrong. It hit the foul pole, and gameday has it in the 20th row about 40' off the line.

    I'm watching, but not listening. I'm in a coffee pub, so i have the volume turned off...Probably wouldn't have it on anyways, just cause I couldn't bear to listen to the YES commentary anyways.

  49. Dark Crystal needs to get it together here. That .230s BA is horrible.

  50. I love how rod walked out of the box there like it was a homer.

  51. My girlfriend thinks Coco looks like Billy Crystal, and as he's her favorite player (the irony, oh the irony), she's nicknamed him Dark Crystal.

    C'mon Sexy Lips.

    Also, Yankee Stadium, STOP BLARING THAT GARBAGE BETWEEN BATTERS. It's baseball, not freaking roller derby.

  52. Fuuuuck, what a stupid run. Please get out of this inning Tavarez.

  53. abreu swings at ball 4 inning over. thx mate!

  54. alright, no shutout? just win.

    i say 7-2.

  55. crap that was stressful. He got out of it, and if he gives up less than 3 runs in 2 innings, that's a QS.

    Score some more here guys. Lugo and Drew, I'm looking at you.

  56. crap that was stressful

    I'm worried about you for September and October.

  57. Sock said I'm worried about you for September and October.

    I'm worried that he's going to make it to September.

  58. Why the fuck did it take our idiot manager this long to warm someone up? Jesus tapdancing christ.

  59. Its time that we get some of these runs back.

    Breaking news Simmons suicide watch is now in effect. The Celtics got the 5th pick in the draft.

  60. Celtics with the #5 pick. I'm speechless. Is there any sport (besides hockey) that's less deserving of a fan base than the modern NBA? What logic is there in the worst teams not getting the highest picks?

  61. Is Sexy done for the night? I think we see Snyder in the sixth.

  62. balls 3 and 4 to slappy were strikes.


  63. Judgment time here folks: Tavarez pitched a relatively bad game, but so much of that was our troglodytic manager's fault. He's 1/3rd of an inning away from a QS.

    I think I get the shirt. close enough.

  64. ahh sexy lips...good work man.
    hehe, he just tipped his hat to the crowd. he's awesome :)

  65. Both definite strikes. Sweet DP. Eat that, asshole Yankees. God, I can't wait til this series is over so I don't have to look at these guys any more.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. 5.2 IP
    3 H
    2 R
    4 BB
    2 K
    23 BF
    106 PIT

    Lopez in.

  68. Dispense some good pitches, 'pez.

  69. Funny about the days of the week thing earlier--before I saw that, I saw something about our record on Sundays at empyrealenvirons, and I checked the sked to see we're 7-0 on Thursdays. So, um, there are plenty of nerds here.

  70. Thank god the ump blew that call at 2nd. Lugo batting in Crisp; remember this one folks, it's a rare one.

  71. A big run Sox are like 23 and 0 when they score 5. Lets make it 24 and 0.



    on our way to 7-2.

    (coco was safe.)

    bye bye bronx bigot!

  74. and yeah, crisp was safe i thought as well.

  75. Coco was safe, but we didn't have a very good angle so it looked closer than it was. Besides, who cares 7 - 2 baby.

  76. Mike Myers is getting paid $2m a year to get David Ortiz out. That is his primary reason for existing.

    The career line in 13 ABs:

    .308/.333/.615/.949 Before that AB. OPS over 1.0 now.

    Also, not that it matters, but Drew has this hilarious line against Vizcaino:

    .250 .250 1.000 1.250

  77. I am an extremely happy human.

  78. I don't care what Tito says, this is Youk's #5 spot if we're not going to bat him leadoff. Pedroia at least has a pulse, bat him 2nd.

    Drew needs a few days off, or something.

  79. Okajima ERA+ = 1047


  80. Why aren't Papelbon or MDC in here?

  81. A-rod is such a fucking pussy. I hope he gets drilled in the face the next time up.

  82. wtf a-rod totally belted pedroia on the slide. he's such a cheating little shit.

  83. I hope our boys are sharpening their spikes in the dugout. Someone needs to go knee-high on that little bitch and take him out for a long time.

    Ty Cobb the bastard. Completely unacceptable, pushing someone after the play ends.

  84. Ty Cobb the bastard. Completely unacceptable, pushing someone after the play ends.

    i think it was during. it was before he really got the throw off.

  85. Rodriguez slid past the bag, then leaned over and shoved Pedroia. Rodriguez always does things in the cheapest and weakest ways possible. He could've tried slamming into Brandon in the ALCS, but instead just slapped at his hand. He could've gone full-on hard into Pedroia, but he shoves him.

    He's just a massive prick. C'mon 'bot.

  86. Rodriguez always does things in the cheapest and weakest ways possible.


    It's BOT/Snuffer time!

  87. Red Sox fans:
    Down by 4 runs in the 8th inning, not a person had left. You couldn't find an empty seat.

    Yankees fans:
    Down by 4 runs, and it's PNC Park.

  88. wtf a-rod totally belted pedroia on the slide

    Speaking of which, was there any talk of Ortiz' headfirst slide into second yesterday (the play on which Jeter dropped the ball)? It looked like Ortiz may have thrown a shoulder. The ball was dropped just prior to the collision, so Ortiz didn't cause it, but was it considered at all dirty?

  89. i guess we're not called the fenway faithful for nothing :)

  90. It looked like Ortiz may have thrown a shoulder.


    No. Tiz was quite dead at second, but CI couldn't hold onto the ball. Simple as that.

  91. Paps, jesus christ, come on.

  92. Please just get these outs. Put in MDC.

  93. K of milk dud.

    now a DP and there will be much rejoicing.

  94. i'm not afraid of the yankees anymore.

    i'm just annoyed and frustrated that this is taking so long.

  95. you'd rather have mdc in there than paps??

  96. Alright, CI: You feeling clutch?

    Are ya?

  97. I'd rather have MDC than Paps when, when I made that comment, wasn't the sharpest. Remember, I'm one of the few people who had faith in MDC last year, and he's a fresh arm.

  98. INTANGIBLES! Those steely eyes watching strike 3!

  99. 3

    Throw jeter out! Oh wait it's over

    I'm not celebrating a win over a <.500 team. I'm satisfied. :)

  100. It may just be me, but was that an incredibly nervewracking, tense win? Damn.

    At least we won.

  101. "calm eyes", sean, "calm eyes"

  102. is there anything more satisfying than winning by striking out jeter? wipe that damn smirk right off his face!

  103. Sean, it was you. That was not incredibly tense or nerve-wracking. How quickly they forget.

  104. TDCG, you called it. Do it again tomorrow! We should reserve the first comment in the game thread for you.

    Um, not that I'm superstitious or anything. :)

  105. Um, not that I'm superstitious or anything. :)

    oh me neither *whistles*

  106. "is there anything more satisfying than winning by striking out jeter?"

    Yes, striking him out looking. My girlfriend and I were hoping for it specifically, and we got it. You know it's gonna be fun if if he K's looking because he thinks every pitch he doesn't swing at is a ball. And that's just what happened--and to end a game it's even better.

    Tavarez joins Al Spalding and co. in the birthday win club!

  107. wasn't just you.

    Maybe just you and me, but not just you.

  108. A couple of years ago, Jeter made the last out in two or three NYY losses in a row.

    If I recall, SoSH started calling him Mr. 27.

  109. It may just be me, but was that an incredibly nervewracking, tense win? Damn.

    If it had been 7-6, yes. But 7-3 -- even if Jeter cranks one, we still have a lead.

    Foulke fanning the Thermos to end ALCS 6? THAT was incredibly nervewracking.

  110. And it's 7-3 in late May with a 9.5 game lead.

    Two Bot walks is annoying, but that's about it.

  111. I guess it was the high pitch counts, 3-2s on so many batters, and 8 freaking walks. I mean, walking 8 people and winning is a really good sign.

    Also, when Okaji and Paps struggle a little bit, it can get scary. Now, don't get me wrong, I'll take struggling to mean 1 run over 2 innings, but still.

    If we take 2 out of 3 tomorrow... that is gigantically huge. Either way, at most we lose 1 game on them, with the Yankees having the pitching matchup well in their favor, and with our #5 picking up the victory.

    And I get a new shirt.

  112. Another one who found that game tense... my brain knows we're way ahead (both in the standings and on the scoreboard) but my gut remains ill informed. The past few years have conditioned me to respond a certain way to the Yankees. I don't know what it is, but I just get more anxious when we play the Bad Guys, no matter what the context.

    Shirt mojo tomorrow (again). :D

  113. quotes from Replacement level yankees weblog about Rodriguez's slide:

    "A-rod is such a cheapskate!!! I love it."

    "I think we actually got a call there!!"

    "He flat out stuck his elbow into him. Awesome. What a cheap bastard."

    "Great dirty baseball by A-Rod."

    "Nice job Alex. And we got a gift, too."

    "Alex has to get beaned his next PA, right?"

    "ARod needs to elbow these umps."

    Classiest fans in sports. Remember this the next time they talk shit about Sox fans.

  114. I had the pleasure of watching the game from about 25 rows behind home plate tonight, and I was very happy to hear on at least 6 different occasions Yankees fans were talking about the upcoming football season.

  115. miket-
    You mean the... Jets? The Giants?

    Damn, kinda sucks to be a NY sports fan now. The Mets are good (in the NL East), then the giants, the jets, the knicks... hockey... the red bulls... rough.

  116. It sure does. Hopefully I'll hear the same tomorrow night. Anyone else going to the game?

  117. Anyone else going to the game?

    Man, I wish I was... Some friends and I were supposed to go but ringleader friend failed on the ticket purchace. Now I'm reduced to hoping my slingbox works so I can watch the game on my phone while running lights for a dance show. I expect I'll probably end up on a bench near Columbus Circle - done with work but unwilling to go into the subway and lose my stream of the game, just like tonight.

    Have fun though.

  118. AP says Daily News reports Giambi failed an amphetamines test last year.
