
May 15, 2007

A Streak That Should Never End

From Peter Gammons's ESPN blog:
Dave Roberts takes a lot of ribbing from Giants teammates for how much he talks about his three months with the Red Sox in 2004. ...

"You have no idea what that October was like," Roberts has told teammates. "I have not had one day since that game when someone hasn't come up and thanked me. Not one day."
I said "Thank You!" on July 19, 2005. ... The Blue Jays play the Giants this year, but the series is in San Francisco. Damn.


  1. I am neither a fan of the Red Sox nor Dave Roberts, but I couldn't agree with your posting more. Red Sox Nation needs to thank this man every day for the rest of his life.

  2. "I said "Thank You!" on July 19, 2005.

    This is what you did the next day!

  3. I will thank him if I get the chance here in SF.

  4. Rutkiller: nice peppers.

    Nice Yankees cynicism, too. Good stuff.
