
August 14, 2007

Buchholz on Friday?

The Red Sox are leaning towards calling up Clay Buchholz to start one of the two games against the Angels on Friday.

Terry Francona said that Curt Schilling and Josh Beckett will not both pitch on Friday, which is Buchholz's next day to start. Buchhols, who turns 23 today, has allowed two runs or fewer in each of his last four starts for Pawtucket.

One roster scenario: DFA Wily Mo Pena (who cleared waivers last week), bring up Buchholz for the day, then call up outfielder Bobby Kielty.


  1. I am not defending Wily Mo Pena, but is Bobby Kielty really a better option as the bench/fourth outfielder?

  2. He's got to be better in the field.

  3. WEEI has been saying most of the day that heavy discussions with a NL team about Wily Mo. If they trade him for a player to be named later then they can call up Buchholz, then Kielty.
