
August 20, 2007

G125: Red Sox 6, Devil Rays 0

Bats got to Red Dot early (5 runs, 6 hits, 57 pitches in the first two innings) and Wakefield (7-4-0-1-5, 77) did the rest, with a little assistance from MDC and Timlin.

Lowell had a 2-run double, a solo home run and two walks, and Crisp and Pedroia had two hits each.


Tim Wakefield (4.55, 99 ERA+) / Scott Kazmir (3.44, 132 ERA+)

Wakefield's career numbers at Tropicana Field: 8-0, 2.33 ERA, .190 opponents average. Kevin Cash will be behind the plate:
I feel fine about it. I played catch with Wake [Saturday]. I caught him a couple times this spring. I feel very comfortable. The last couple weeks of spring I would stay back from games to catch his side [sessions].
Red Dot has faced the Red Sox 14 times, more than any other team. He has held David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez to a .143 average (10-for-70).

NOTE: A lot of the JoS crew is spending games at Thread Sox, a new message board set up by our good friend Cakey. Check it out. (I'll have more to say about the board soon.)


  1. Globe says just a night off for Flo.

    Dustin Pedroia, 2B
    Kevin Youkilis, 1B
    Bobby Kielty, LF
    Manny Ramirez, DH
    Mike Lowell, 3B
    J.D. Drew, RF
    Coco Crisp, CF
    Julio Lugo, SS
    Kevin Cash, C

    Akinori Iwamura 3b
    Carl Crawford, LF
    B.J. Upton, CF
    Carlos Pena, 1B
    Delmon Young, RF
    Brendan Harris, 2B
    Jonny Gomes, DH
    Josh Wilson, SS
    Josh Hall, C

  2. I've never liked message boards. I like that out of 19 current votes, all but 2 are for either "see how it goes" or "leave it like it was." Uh, so, I really don't know what to say. But, 5-0 Sox. Although I guess no one will read this since you're all over at the other place. Uh....

  3. hi jere. we're checking in both places.

    i don't like message boards either. i'm hoping we go back to jos only. and i'm using whatever influence i have.

    (which is less than you might think.)

  4. L-girl said...

    (which is less than you might think.)

    I hope that isn't true...I can honestly say I am boycotting thread sox........

  5. i'm sorry to hear that.

    it is pretty much the same: hit reply, type and press enter.

    you came aboard here out of the blue, why not there?

  6. no 9casey and no jere?!

    this sucks.

  7. redsock said...
    i'm sorry to hear that.

    it is pretty much the same: hit reply, type and press enter.

    you came aboard here out of the blue, why not there?

    A ridiculous as it sounds.....this is home...its no big deal though..i'll be allright :)

    Thanks L, it's nice to know you care......

  8. I'm gonna have to hope you change your mind, 9C.

    But I'm still working on changing his mind.

  9. I don't want to get the "difficult" stamp on my file or anything. I just finally found a place on the net where I feel comfortable talking about the game as it's happening. It's great, the not-too-big JoS commenting community. Occasionally I'd comment when Red Sox Chick was liveblogging, but this format is perfect. But that's just me. When I went over to Thread Sox and saw that same old message board format, I just had to leave. Just a personal thing, again, but I mean, I could already do that at RSN, but I never did because it never felt right. Maybe this board will be different, somehow. Don't know yet.

  10. Allan tells me this board will be different. Not sure why it would be.

    I share both of your feelings about this. But OTOH I'm not willing to lose the community. I've grown to like it too much, so if it goes there, I'm going w/ it.

  11. hey you guys, new improved poll - "don't forget to vot"

    (not sure if either of you will know that one...)

  12. I voted for keeping everything on the blog because I read it through an RSS aggregator. I can follow along with new conversation threads and even old stuff, last night's game post, etc. without having to go to a different site.

    Wake 7-4-0-1-5! He had his control tonight. If only Glenn Geffner would SHUT UP about the mouse in the broadcast booth ..

  13. it is all jos people there now -- i think some lurkers came out of hiding also

  14. google reader seems like an inconvenient way to follow a game thread, but as long as you're following jos... :)

  15. I actually found the threadsox RSS feed, so we'll see how that goes.

  16. @L-girl: Google Reader only helps with game threads after the game is over..

  17. I typed this all out earlier today then killed it for some reason. So here it is again.

    About 3-4 years ago, a friend created a Yahoo! Group for our high school friends. Most of the people involved were in touch with one or two other people, but this was a nice, central way to get back in touch.

    It actually grew over a few months to about 50 people, which was great. However, some of the subscribers started to get upset about the number of emails they were getting a day and the political nature of many of them (hello, it was 2004 campaign season!).

    So, my friend ended up splitting the group in two, a normal group and a rants group. Unfortunately, it worked too well and most people just stopped posting altogether.

    So, a cautionary tale about changing virtual communitites I guess. It's not a perefect parallel of course - email group vs. blog commments/forum. And passion for the Red Sox isn't even close to the same thing as getting back in touch with people after 20 years.

    BUT, a couple of the frequent contributers here are expressing reservations about the forum method, which would carry a lot of weight if it were my blog.

    I, as a rule, never post online. For some reason, JoS is different. After lurking for a long time, I finally started posting this season and following the game threads more closely during games.

    There is also something to be said for the simplicity of blogger. Threadsox seems cluttered. I tend to enjoy the Google aesthetic more than Yahoo!'s, but that's just me.

    Ok, sorry - long rambling comment. But it seemed relevant.

  18. chief: i appreciate you taking the time to write all that out (twice?).

    i think the board is pretty clean looking compared to a lot of other places. but i do want to hear from the regulars and long-timers.

    i'm hoping that as a few more days go by, i'll have a better idea of what to do.

  19. You're welcome. I deleted it the first time because I wasn't sure of the relevance, but 9casey and jere's comments made me think it might be.

    I think threadsox is a lot cleaner than many places I've seen, but it's hard to beat blogger for simplicity.

    It certainly doesn't hurt to experiment a bit though. Forums do offer some advantages, not least of which is bumping active topics back to the top.

  20. I personally prefer posting here as opposed to message boards, as previously mentioned due to the simplicity of blogger. I can type a comment in, then cut it and quickly do an F5 to see if there are any more comments up, so I can alter mine if necessary.

    The message board format is a lot clunkier, and I think a bit of overkill for what we use JOS for. Sure, there's some irrelevant postings as well as threads being buried but thats what comes with simplicity. I don't think that it's too much of a problem that we need to switch our whole format.

    I like the layout of thread sox - its pretty cool, but leave the game threads here @ joy...nothing against cakey or anything, however [cue the nerdiness] I've been part of a couple other online messageboard communities and we've actually had reasons (mostly censorship issues, and the admin never being around, and being a complete moron/total douche when he was around) to leave the messageboard. We went to a couple different sites and ended back up at the original. Eventually one of the posters added a messageboard to his site and it worked out well for a little bit, but still...some of the original members didn't come along and it just didn't feel the same so now that whole group has been disbanded. Nevertheless, as shitty as the site now is, all the original posters still check in every couple months...[/nerdiness]

    Anyway, in a longwinded way of saying it - leave the posts here. We've obviously established a sense of community around this site and are used to the posts/comments format, as well as the many different regulars/occasional posters and by going to ThreadSox, we would lose some to all of that.

  21. Just woke up at FIVE this morning and see that we are FIVE up again. Yay!

  22. Wakes, on his way to a personal season win high (17) so very sweet.
