
August 22, 2007

Schadenfreude 19 (A Continuing Series)

George King, Post:
The stench coming off Mike Mussina's stuff last night invaded your nose like low tide. And the rest of the Yankee hurlers reeked, too.

Mark Feinsand, Daily News:
The 18 runs were the most the Angels have ever scored against the Yankees ... The Yankees trail the Red Sox by six games in the division, having lost two games in the standings in two days. The Mariners also gained another game on the Bombers, pushing their wild-card lead to 2-1/2 games, four in the loss column.


  1. Damn. One more run allowed by Yankees pitching and the total would have equaled the Schadenfreude we're currently on :P

  2. Is something special planned for the big 2-0 milestone of this wonderful series?

    A lot of Yankees fans I talked to yesterday didn't have any confidence in Moose. It'll be interesting to see what happens in the off-season.

  3. Ortiz car up to $450k on ebay :|

  4. Is something special planned for the big 2-0 milestone of this wonderful series?

    The Yankees have full control over that!

    #20 will probably appear before next Wednesday morning though.

  5. Still think Seattle have a major struggle getting the wild card with their tough schedule here in out.

  6. Yeah -- and they lost today.

    But we can hope.
