
November 8, 2007

MLB Follows Up

Contrary to what I posted earlier today, it appears that, according to an email I received, MLB:
will be disseminating emails to customers who had purchased downloads prior to 2007 in a proactive effort to alert them of the issues and provide immediate remedies so they can access the previously-purchased content they are entitled to.
If I receive permission to post more of the email, I will do so.

1 comment:

  1. Alfred Chueh-Chih Yen, Boston College Law School:

    "Assuming for the sake of argument that this legal state of affairs is unlikely to change, one wonders whether some kind of consumer protection action against MLB becomes the best possibility for remedying this situation. If MLB sold these downloads with the promise that purchasers could always view them after complying with the DRM protocol, and then fails to make good on that promise, isn't this garden variety consumer fraud? If so, perhaps a consumer class action or state attorney general suit will be forthcoming."
