
February 28, 2008

The Daily Roger

Post: Rog Can't Pitch Around Novitzky

Daily News: Roger Clemens Faces Perjury Probe As Congress Throws Ball To Justice

Lupica: Roger Clemens May Trade Hall Of Fame For Halls Of Prison

Newsday: Congress Asks Justice Dept. To Probe Clemens (with a photo that's dying to be photoshopped)

Newsday: Clemens Is Having Fun In Sun, While He Can

Newsday: Nitkowski: Clemens Spoke Of Canseco Party

Times: Congress Requests Clemens Inquiry (with photo of TCM with a player whose uniform name -- Bogusevic -- is prominently displayed)

Times: Reporters Seeking Reaction From Clemens Receive Brushback

Richard Emery:
Roger Clemens' chance against the kind of case that Novitzky and Parrella will make against him, given what I believe is overwhelming evidence against him, is the same kind of chance you have against a hurricane.

You know the real problem that Clemens has now? That he's ended up lying about so many other things other than steroids. ... He's not just going to get investigated, there's going to be a grand jury and then he's going to get indicted. But I've been saying that from the night he started painting a bull's-eye on himself on "60 Minutes".