
March 20, 2008

The Flight

Good tidbits on the plane ride to Japan from Sean McAdam, Michael Silverman, Ian Browne, and CHB.

McAdam noted the plane had a camera mounted somewhere on its nose, so passengers could watch the takeoff and landing on the video screens in the seatbacks in front of them.

Browne reported that Manny Delcarmen's six-month-old son "was amazingly tolerant of the long flight".

Also, Kyle Snyder was Mr. Celery for a day.


  1. The more I read about Alex Cora, the more I like him. He's a real "hero in the shadows".

    I hope we can get some pictures of Pedroia and Pappelbon perusing Tokyo in casual slacks, looking surly. Pap would be a bizarre contrast to the locals, I imagine. Like when I take the greyhound from El Paso, just more so.

  2. When LL was on with DO and RemDawg during Wednesday's game, after the whole fiasco, he said, "We have a saying with the Red Sox: All's well that ends."

    Hardy har har and all that--but then in CHB's column, he said that LL on the plane or at the airport or whatever said "all's well that ends well," i.e., the regular, non-joke phrase. Would LL have appended his little statement, or do you think CHB just missed the joke and misquoted him? I like to think Dan effed up.

  3. Would LL have appended his little statement, or do you think CHB just missed the joke and misquoted him? I

    CHB misquote someone? He *never* does that! How could someone possibly think that CHB would change what someone said in order to give himself a better story?

    (Ugh. Okay, I gotta stop. I feel dirty just for writing that even though I'm faking it.)
