
March 11, 2008

"Joe Maddon Is A 2.4 Gigahertz Linksys Router"

It's not even mid-March and the guys at FJM are in crisp, mid-season form. ... They're bringing it like Pedro, circa 1999.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Huh.

    News to me. I know the FJM bunch outed themselves a little while ago, but I don't watch The Office.

    One thing I did find out recently is that he likes Infinite Jest. KT is also a Red Sox fan.

  3. Not posted in reply to Sean O, but he reminded me:

    I may need to amend my posting rules and allow people to use "that being said" but forbid the use of "man-______" (-crush, -love, -purse, -hug, -etc.)

    It's okay to say you have a "crush" on him.

    You won't catch teh gay. Honest.


    Well, I'm like 83% sure.

  4. Hey Allan, thanks for considering that revised rule. Sean O notwithstanding, the expression "man-crush" is homophobic. As if you don't say it that way, someone might think...! Heaven forbid.

    Crush is crush, says I.

  5. Good rule. Man-crush, man-boobs, Man Ray, man-wich, manimal, Man-Tan...they're all dumb. Makes me want to castrate myself with a spork.

  6. Man-crush, man-boobs, Man Ray, man-wich, manimal, Man-Tan...they're all dumb.

    Man Ray? If you took the time to study his paintings and photographs, I think you'd see the light. Everyone does ... well, everyone who's not a total moron with the attention span of a meerkat.


  7. Huh? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention...

    Actually, I love Man Ray's work. I could even say I have a Man Ray crush, but that would be banned.
