
April 20, 2008

Free Red Sox Tickets

Sox1Fan is giving away a pair of Red Sox tickets every month for the second straight season.

When you read an article on the site, leave a comment. That's it. You don't have to agree with my position on an issue or a player or a managerial decision, you just have to leave a creative comment and support your argument. ... At the end of each and every month, except September, we will select the author of the best comment from that month ... that person will be provided with a free pair of tickets to a Sox game in the following month.
Sox1Fan adds:
At the end of August, the person who left the best comment all summer gets another pair of tix as the "commenter of the year" ... they'll also get another prize (likely an autographed baseball of one of the Sox prospects).
Are You Ready For The Country (And The Mayor)? Sean Casey will be a guest on Country Fastball tonight at 9 PM EST. You can listen to the show here.

Jacob LaCivita -- aka JoS commenter Jake Of All Trades -- has published a "time travel/rock and roll novel" entitled Timely Persuasion. His website has a couple of Red Sox-related deleted scenes. Check it out.


  1. Missed this earlier...thanks for the mention!

  2. Go Sox, I believe that when these guys are firing on all cylinders... They will roll over everyone... I mean everyone.There potential could be legendary. I'm just waiting for the click.They could have the record for the most runs scored in a season.
    I've experienced Red Sox nation live and in person once. My wife and 3 children have not, so I'm hoping that this could be the year that we have a Red Sox Nation Family Outing. If I can get some tickets.
    Go Sox, Buck

  3. Red Sox are all warmed up now and ready to dominate the AK East. Let the word go forth their time has come...again!!!
