
May 10, 2008

G39: Red Sox 5, Twins 2

Red Sox - 010 000 211 - 5 12  0
Twins - 010 010 000 - 2 7 2
Dice (7-6-2-3-7, 96) settled down after wriggling out of trouble in the second inning and leaving the bases loaded. His three walks all came in the first 1.2 innings. He went to only two 3-ball counts over his last 19 batters. His pitches: 14-22-9 12-17-6 12 - 96.

Boston had a four-dong night and all of the bombs were solo: Youkilis in the 2nd, Crisp and Lowrie back-to-back in the seventh and Lowell in the 8th. All four landed in about the same place beyond the left field wall. Pedroia drove in Lowrie in the ninth for the fifth run. For Lowrie, it was his first major league home run.

It was the bottom of the order that delivered tonight: Lowell (single, walk, HR), Youkilis (double, HR), Varitek (single, double, walk), Lowrie (single, double, HR). Pedroia's two singles were the only hits among the top four hitters in the order.

Okajima threw a perfect eighth and Papelbon looked good in the ninth. It was the 8th time Bot has pitched in the last 12 games/days.

Tampa Bay (20-16) shut out the Angels 2-0 to stay 2.5 GB the Sox.


Daisuke Matsuzaka (2.43, 177 ERA+) / Glen Perkins (2008 debut)

Perkins was in the Twins' pen in 2006 and 2007; he has pitched a total of 34.1 major league innings.
Following a muscle strain near Perkins' left shoulder that limited him to just 48 total innings last season (both in the Minors and the Majors), the Twins had the left-hander begin the year at Triple-A Rochester ... In seven appearances (six starts) for the Red Wings, Perkins was 2-1 with a 2.97 ERA.
Disappointing game last night. Bot had trouble locating his splitter -- and yet Varitek kept calling for it. Walking Gomez -- who to that point had walked only 3 times all season, in 130 plate appearances -- after being ahead 1-2 was inexcusable. Also, not even looking over to keep the runners close and allowing them to steal at will was infuriating.

SoSH has a thread about Bot and his decreased K rate and usage in 2008. He's already equaled last year's number of games of 1+ inning (4).


  1. NYY-DET at 3:40 -- Rasner/Bonderman. So chat away!

  2. Dick Stockton decides to tell us that Jeter's in his second-longest homerless drought while he's up in the first. I was so mad. Sure enough, dong. I don't believe Dick can really control the universe--but still! I hate when that happens.

    Of course, Bonderman gets the real blame as he then gives up a bunch of hits and walks in another run. Ooh, but he gets out of it with a DP. But it was hard hit. The Tigers need to light up Rasner and then this idiot needs to settle down.

  3. That. Was. Awesome.

    Joyce hits deep fly, Abreu stands there looking up, has no idea where it is. Ball goes over wall. Cameras never find ball, we just know it's a homer from the crowd all cheering.

  4. his second-longest homerless drought

    Is CI such a big bopper that not having a dong in a while is news?

  5. Good point.

    No Lugo tonight. Or Drew.

  6. good. i still FUCKING HATE lugo.

  7. Globe: "Julio Lugo said he's suffering from headaches and the effects of a slight concussion as a result of a collision at second base last night and was scratched from tonight's lineup."

    Before that, the lineups were:

    Ellsbury, RF
    Pedroia, 2B
    Ortiz, DH
    Ramirez, LF
    Lowell, 3B
    Youkilis, 1B
    Varitek, C
    Crisp, CF
    Lugo, SS

    Gomez, CF
    Tolbert, 2B
    Mauer, C
    Morneau, 1B
    Cuddyer, RF
    Kubel, DH
    Young, LF
    Lamb, 3B
    Everett, SS

    Maybe Tito will just slot Lowrie in there at #9.

  8. Lugo continues to live up to my nickname for him--"Renteria: Havana Nights." Hopefully he solves his problems by summer.

  9. i dont wish anyone harm, and i hope lugo is ok (head injuries are scary, even slight ones)...BUT fuck him.

  10. when he got hurt I was pissed at him for rolling off the bag! Had he been safe, the guy could've tagged him out...

  11. Hello All,

    So who is playing SS tonight? Do we know yet?

  12. if i get an update, it will likely come from here.

  13. hahaha. fox zooming in on a different fat fuck in the yanks bullpen and stockton says "there you see joba chamberlain".

  14. My wife said today that if any of the Red Sox showed up at our door she would put out, especially if it was Lugo. Needless to say she was pissed at me. I said I'd do Tina Fey if she showed up.

    On a side note I had a thought. If an error is responsible for a blown save then can the Lugo responsible be charged with the loss and not the pitcher?

    Seriously if Lowrie isn't starting at least half the games for the remainder in short then I will buy an Abreau jersey and wear it to church.

    I am going to watch today's game with all the love and excitement i usually reserve for porn. Lugo is what I think about to last longer and him being gone is gonna make this game erotic.

  15. andy dont forget amelie benjamin!

  16. Needless to say she was pissed at me.

    Don't you mean you were pissed at her? Getting banged by players that produce runs is cool, but Lugo? Does that woman have any self-respect?

    (Not to mention the difference between saying yes to Ellsbury and saying yes to Tavarez (or Timlin).)

  17. Ken Rosenthal: "Darrell Rasner is living proof that the Yankees don't buy all their players."

    Of course, Ken is living proof that turds can talk.

  18. hmmm. Yeah, you are right. She had no idea what she was volunteering for. I don't think she'd be able to pry my hands off of Jacoby. I'd watch her with Tiz or MBM. I would participate in an Ellsbury, Pedroia, Youk train.
    Drew can cuddle me while i do her. Tek could share my husbandly duties, yes plural marriage. Beckett would bring over hot chicks so we can swing. Dice K would probably want to do some freaky shit, which is cool with me, I have a camera. Bot would be all violent and rough, he may only get a handy.
    I don't know if I'd let any others in my house.

  19. I was traveling and had to listen to the Twins radio crew: did you know they were senile? It's sad..."That Youkilis...he really doesn't get recognized for his fielding. He's really good out there." Then one of them remembers that he won the Gold Glove, and says, "Well, SOMEbody notices!" Then this: "The Red Sox have only played two games against the Central, and are 1-1." (The real stat is that the TWINS were 1-1 against the East.) And after any play to short, the Bozo play-be-play guy says, "that's a 6-3 scoring play." Well, it's NOT a "scoring play" unless a run scores. Complain about Castiglione all you want, but these guys would have me in the nut house in about three games.

  20. I don't think she'd be able to pry my hands off of Jacoby. I'd watch her with Tiz or MBM. I would participate in an Ellsbury, Pedroia, Youk train.
    Drew can cuddle me while i do her. Tek could share my husbandly duties, yes plural marriage. Beckett would bring over hot chicks so we can swing. Dice K would probably want to do some freaky shit, which is cool with me, I have a camera. Bot would be all violent and rough, he may only get a handy.
    I don't know if I'd let any others in my house.

    I am pretty much speechless.

  21. I can't believe Fox put up a "Chasing History" graphic to highlight that Jeter is TWO THOUSAND hits away from breaking the all-time record.

    ("And that's not including today," says Stockton in total seriousness.)

  22. And after any play to short, the Bozo play-be-play guy says, "that's a 6-3 scoring play." Well, it's NOT a "scoring play" unless a run scores.

    But it is a scoring play in the sense of writing it down while keeping score. This one is not a fook-up. Sorry.

  23. Darrell Rasner could be Melvin Mora's American cousin. They always look like they are, or about to cry.

  24. Is Andy writing from prison?

  25. Is Andy writing from prison?

    If he is, who would his "wife" be?

  26. Let it never be said that Joy of Sox is family-friendly.

    To think someone once objected to the use of the word "cunt" in a quote. Now we have Andy writing full-blown porn scenes.

  27. "that's a 6-3 scoring play."

    Right. Same as a 6-4-3 is a scoring play. Or an F8. Or a 3-6-6 DP.

    Which I included because Allan doesn't like my scoring on that one.

  28. ish said...
    Is Andy writing from prison?

    If he is, who would his "wife" be?

    Uggie Urbina

  29. Oops, just saw that Allan had already taken care of that one. Never mind.

  30. To think someone once objected to the use of the word "cunt" in a quote.

    Joba, the.

  31. Andy's salty language is giving ME the vapors!!!

  32. Salt with some cayenne pepper.

  33. I saw that chasing history thing and thought the same thing, then I realized I must have heard and seen it wrong and dismissed it. I laughed loudly when i read jere's comment. Can Fox be any more up the Yankees ass? Come on it's not the first half of the last century anymore. The Yankees suck now. They are no better than a middle tier team.

  34. Or a 3-6-6 DP.

    I blame John Sterling for giving you the impression that this silliness is correct. I mean, would an unassisted double play to first be scored 3-3?

    Anyway, I think you meant to type 6-6-3 -- which is properly scored as 6U-3.

  35. I blame John Sterling for giving you the impression that this silliness is correct. I mean, would an unassisted double play to first be scored 3-3?

    Or a 4-4-4 triple play? Or, GASP! 6-6-6?

  36. Stockton you've become a senile FUCKUP. Just said, when talking about Joba, "we've seen Jon Papelbon with similar reaction after wins." Emphasis on Papelbon, not on wins where it should've been. Joba's reactions are NOT after wins.

  37. Anyway, I think you meant to type 6-6-3 -- which is properly scored as 6U-3.

    I did mean 6-6-3, but blame yourself for reinforcing my very correct understanding that scoring differs for each scorer. As long as the person scoring is consistent and can understand her own system, there is no one correct method.

  38. I would score an unassisted triple play 4-4-4-TP.

    YOU don't have to but I WOULD.


  39. Is Andy writing from prison?


    This is my favourite comment of the season so far!

  40. Crucetta pumps his fist after striking out Jeter... while his team is down by 3 runs.

    Becoming more common. I wonder if pitchers would get away with that in the NL.

  41. 4-4-4-TP

    But "6-3" is "6 to 3", "6 throwing the ball to 3". "4-4-4-TP" implies that 4 threw the ball to himself (twice). The play in question was self-contained: "L4-TP".

  42. Becoming more common. I wonder if pitchers would get away with that in the NL.

    From what I recall reading, HBP totals are not much different between the AL vs the NL, meaning that NL pitchers are not less likely to hit batters since they have to bat themselves.

  43. Globe says Lowrie is hitting 9th.

    "Lugo is going for tests right now to determine how severe a concussion he has. He said he felt dizzy and had headaches and almost came out of Friday night's game. ... Alex Cora is playing shortstop at Pawtucket tonight and he will likely be up tomorrow night while Lowrie could go down. But that might depend on Lugo's condition. Sean Casey, playing first base in Pawtucket, will likely be up tomorrow as well. It appears that Craig Hansen would go back to Pawtucket."

  44. But "6-3" is "6 to 3", "6 throwing the ball to 3". "4-4-4-TP" implies that 4 threw the ball to himself (twice). The play in question was self-contained: "L4-TP".





  45. Here's hoping Lugo has an extremely rare type of head injury that doesn't impair his life at all but causes his manager to never be able to play him again.

  46. AL East scoreboard

    2nd place Tampa: vs Angels 7 PM
    3rd place Orioles: at KC 7 PM
    4th place Yankees: beat Tigers 5-2
    5th place Blue Jays: at Cleveland 7 PM

  47. I know we are not supposed to talk about how pro's are not good compared to us, but i don't believe that lugo is much better than a fat slow pitch softball shortstop.

  48. He's probably much better than that. But not good enough for the majors. You're forgetting (I think) that there's A, AA and AAA. They're all better than fat softball players.

  49. MLBTV has FSN again -- with "Circle (jerk) me, Bert"

    Another muted evening.

  50. I have to remember not to refresh too frequently b/c of radio delay.

  51. Hey, where's Tim? He wanted to see our new license plates.

  52. Oh boy. Sounds like the Fenway Midwest there tonight.

  53. FY baby!!!

    not often that ball 1 in an at-bat comes on the 9th pitch!

  54. almost came out of Friday night's game. ...

    We could be so lucky...

  55. Manny had 26 K in the team's first 39 games last year.

  56. I'm stuck at work with GDGD tonight. Boo. But, until I have to go up to the booth for the terrible dance show at 8, at least I can take advantage of the lovely company here. Yay!

  57. And 36 thru 39 games in 2006.
    Also 36 in 2005.

  58. Okay, so Dice does his hip thrusting thing before pitching -- and I'm thinking he's sending code to Andy.

  59. Okay, so Dice does his hip thrusting thing before pitching -- and I'm thinking he's sending code to Andy.

    Gotta make arrangements for the freaky shit somehow...

  60. and I'm thinking he's sending code to Andy

    You know you're spending too much time online when...

  61. Dice:


    and only 14 pitches!

  62. went down the hall for tea -- and i come back to a sweaty dong!

  63. That looked like a good at bat from Tek too, at least from the GDGD perspective.

  64. .... like a sweat machine (good god)!

    and tek with the bingle.

  65. Lowrie at SS tonight? What a pleasant surprise!

  66. Alright Dice, what's with the balls?

  67. FSN has a horrible angle for throws to first. You can't see the runner's hand at all. Way to go!

  68. This used to be exactly where Dice-K wanted to be

  69. Dice, quite frankly, cut the shit. Just cut it out.

  70. fuck me -- wtf with the fucking walks? and gomez a-fucking-gain?

    fucker's walked 5 times all year -- and one was last night and one is now.

    jesus christ -- someone slap dice AND tek around

  71. skdhsadfhjsdfhlfsdghkl.

    THAT's what I think about that.

  72. Bah. Must go run lights for TERRIBLE dance now. Someone do me a favor and post some updates occasionally - I'll be watching the thread from my phone, but I can't post from there.

  73. Bwahahha, Toronto suffering injuries? No!? Really?! Awww, that's too bad. Vernon Wells out with broken wrist.

  74. Man, Dice is having problems.

  75. What just happened? Can't tell by radio.

  76. ball flopped out of his hand in windup. landed about 25 feet in front of him.

  77. HURRAY! I good inning for Dice. No walks, and a K. Keep it coming

  78. thanks. the radio guys kind of said, whoa, what was that? terry francona looks puzzled. but they didn't do a good job of explaining what happened.

  79. Dice in 3rd:
    Mauer - bcsb K
    Morneau - single CF
    Cuddyer - L5
    Mubel - c 4-3
    (9 pitches!!)

  80. Just get on for that sexy sweaty man.

  81. Sox 4th
    Manny - c 6-3
    Lowell - cb single LCF
    Yook - cbc L8 (broke back then came in, caught at shoetops)
    Tek - b - double off RF wall (Lowell to 3rd)
    Ococ - c P4 (short RF)

  82. I wish we would take more pitches. I don't like this swinging at the second pitch thing we do sometimes.

  83. Twins 4th
    Young - fbbbf P4
    Lamb - bc single to short CF (fielded by FY)
    Everett - F8 (rcf)
    Gomez - c F9 (rcf)

  84. I love that gameday gives you temp and coditions outside the dome....cause it really makes a difference....

  85. sac bunt??????????? in the 5th who are we the pirates

  86. Ellsbury grounds out to the right side mostly anyway .let him hit ...Tito

  87. Sox 5th
    Lowrie: bf double RF corner
    Lyndon: 1-3 SAC (Lowrie to 3B)
    FY: f P7
    Tiz: f 3U

  88. Damn rookie on the mound and he is scraping for runs in the 5th

  89. rookie - first ML start also.

  90. Bunt=rally one else feels my pain?

  91. I bet Joe Mauer doesn't bunt........

  92. i feel it -- i'm always ranting about early bunts.

    "let's make outs!!"

  93. Seriously, I don't know why, but some games we collectively decide to go out swinging early and often, and it always hurts us, because the starting pitcher ends up doing good and going deep into the game.

  94. leadoff double and the top of the order up -- let's give the twins a free out.

  95. redsock said...
    i feel it -- i'm always ranting about early bunts.

    Thank only early .its the top of the order

  96. redsock said...
    leadoff double and the top of the order up -- let's give the twins a free out.

    Sat May 10, 08:34:00 PM

    9casey said...
    redsock said...
    i feel it -- i'm always ranting about early bunts.

    Thank only early .its the top of the order

    wow.thats scary..

  97. I hope this whole series doesn't have us pulling out hairs.

  98. Twins 5th
    Tolbert: bfcfbb - double LF corner
    Mauer: cbfb K
    Morneau: csf single RCF, ococ weak throw cut off, no play, RBI
    Cuddyer: 643 DP

    Twins 2-1

  99. first pitch swinging jerk off....argh....

  100. sweaty half dong! *this* man is on fire.

  101. Sox 6th
    Manny: c 6-3
    Lowell: bfb F8
    Yook: b ground rule double CF
    Tek: 6-3

  102. oops, thank you radio delay.

    maybe i'll just go away until people are cheerier.

  103. Had to change back the Avatar. Mike Lowell's pinstripes were hurting us.

  104. Celtics continue to suck away from the garden: 32-13 Cleveland

  105. Twins 6th
    Kubel: 3-1
    Young: cff F7
    Lamb: F9

    6 pitches for Dice; 80 thru 6

  106. No one could have foreseen this.


  108. Junkballing lefty rookies might not be death of this team after all?

  109. Is everyone feeling a wee bit better now???

    Sometimes I think I am the only baseball fan who just takes losses in stride. Everyone else seems to forget that if we have a really good season, we'll lose about 60 games or so.

  110. Yeah, but that attitude only works if you know in advance that this will be a great season.

  111. I thought I did too L-Girl, but the types of losses we've been having have been really heart breaking. I can handle being out pitched and out hit.

  112. man, reyes has got a fat face. wow!

  113. man, reyes has got a fat face. wow!

    All-Burly team ftw!

  114. Yeah, but that attitude only works if you know in advance that this will be a great season.

    Who here is not aware that this will be a great season ...

  115. you lose 65 games, some of them are going to piss you off for days. just a fact.

  116. Sox 7th:
    Ococ: bbfb HR to LF
    Lowrie: bff HR to LF
    Perkins out; Reyes in
    Lyndon: bs F7
    FY: cb E5 (high throw)
    Tiz: c 463 DP

    Sox 3-2

  117. Dortiz really good at making two outs.

  118. Yeah, but that attitude only works if you know in advance that this will be a great season.

    Nope. I have had this attitude every baseball season of life.

    I love the wins, I accept the losses. I just watch the games and let it happen.

    It's the only thing in my life I approach with complete zen.

    I thought I did too L-Girl, but the types of losses we've been having have been really heart breaking.

    Sorry. My heart is not broken. It's not even bruised.

    I saw so much stuff online today about this supposedly heartbreaking loss we suffered last night. It was like being in a different universe.

    Yeah, a bad way to lose, but shit, it's sports, you lose bad ways all the time. In the end, it's just another L.

    Who here is not aware that this will be a great season

    There you go.

  119. Daisuke is so weird. It doesn't seem like he is pitching like an ace, but there he goes throwing another quality start, making a bid for 6-0.

  120. you lose 65 games, some of them are going to piss you off for days. just a fact.

    Not for me. No game in the regular season can ever piss me off for days.

    Like I said, I must be the only one. I just gotta remember to stay out of threads while everyone is moaning and hair-tearing.

  121. i don't care about his record at all, but his ERA right now is 2.49 -- even with all the runners he's allowed.

  122. Forgive us Laura when we assemble a lynch mob next time Julio makes an error.

  123. Twins 7th
    Everett: bcbbcf K looking
    Gomez: bcs K swinging
    Tolbert: cfbb 4-3 (FY dive to left)

  124. Hey, I'm all for lynching Lugo.

  125. i don't care about his record at all, but his ERA right now is 2.49 -- even with all the runners he's allowed.

    Yup. He's weird, but weirdly effective.

  126. I'd like to write about this on my own blog, but very few wmtc readers can relate. Better just to blather here.

  127. The "piss you off for days" comment was supposed to be in support of L's zen philsophy. With that many losses, some are going to be ugly and annoying.

    The Bot losses don't bother me much as losses -- not like the losses when Tito went with Timlin or refused to use Bot in the 9th and extras when tied. Grrrrrr...

  128. I'd probably bring him back out for another inning, but I don't decide these things.

  129. man, doc really turned on that inside pitch!!!

  130. They sure like to hit that spot in the leftfield stands, don't they.

  131. The "piss you off for days" comment was supposed to be in support of L's zen philsophy. With that many losses, some are going to be ugly and annoying.

    Oh sorry, I thought it was the opposite. Now I see what you mean, despite the fact

    LOWELL DONG!!!!!!!!!

    ...that no regular-season loss gets to me that badly.

    The Bot losses don't bother me much as losses -- not like the losses when Tito went with Timlin or refused to use Bot in the 9th and extras when tied. Grrrrrr...

    You hate manager losses the most.


    BIG understatement.

  132. I'd like to write about this on my own blog, but very few wmtc readers can relate. Better just to blather here.

    angling for another guest post?

  133. angling for another guest post?

    Heh. No. This is enough.

  134. My sister's trying. She called me and asked me "Where are the Twins from?"

  135. Sox 8th
    Bass pitching
    Manny: bfb PF3
    Doctor: HR to LF!!
    Yook: cf 5-3
    Tek: bbb BB
    Crisp: c L8

    4 solo dongs = 4-2 lead

  136. We'll all handle losses as we do. Some get really angry, some feel very passive about it. Some do sting a lot more than others. I always say that when your reaction to a loss affects someone else, that's when you need to stop and take a breath and realize it's just a game.

    I don't see a wrong answer here. To each their own. But some do sting more than others. Luckily we don't have long to stew about it because they'll be back at it the next night.

  137. I'd like to write about this on my own blog, but very few wmtc readers can relate. Better just to blather here.

    Write what you want to write, not what you think your readers want to read.

  138. Do we see Papelbon tonight?

  139. Dice: 7-6-2-3-7, 96 pitches

    Jeemer in

  140. We have 1 hit between our 1-4 hitters, and 9 between the last 5.

  141. the red hats in my avatar and ish's avatar are almost the same.

  142. I hope we give Pap's shoulder a break. Let this be a confidence building outing for Delcarmen.

    As I write this Pap is getting up in the bullpen.

  143. the red hats in my avatar and ish's avatar are almost the same.


  144. Canada and Dice-K tear it up together on Dance, Dance Revolution at the arcade after games.

  145. the red hats in my avatar and ish's avatar are almost the same.

    Only I don't think the USA is about ready to breakdance.

  146. I don't see a wrong answer here. To each their own.

    Absolutely. That's why last night I reminded myself to skedaddle. I caught myself doing the "stop being so upset, it's only a loss" thing, while people were busy being upset, and no one needs that (including me).

    It's not like I choose to be this way, I just am. And everyone else is doing whatever they do, same thing.

    I'm not sitting here thinking "you should all be like me". More like "I am a weird like this!"

  147. Twins 8th
    Jeemer in
    Mauer: cbb P7 (long run to line)
    Morneau: cf 3-1
    Cuddyer: cbcb P3

  148. Canada and Dice-K tear it up together on Dance, Dance Revolution at the arcade after games.


  149. jays down 12-0 in the 7th in clev!

  150. Lowrie: single, double, dong tonight!

  151. Write what you want to write, not what you think your readers want to read.

    It just doesn't seem like wmtc material. I might find a way to tie it in to other stuff though. Goddess knows I have enough anger in my life outside of baseball! If I was like this about everything, I wouldn't be much of an activist. I'd be off chanting somewhere.

    Another Jedi hit! Triple for the cycle.

  152. The red hats remind me of a South Park:

    OC Leader: [wearing Lil Shiit cap] Yeah, how you like that y'all! [Stan and his friends merely look on]
    OC Member 1: [dressed in red] Let's bring it to these losers.
    OC Girl: Aww yeah! [the crew leader dances forward and does some gymnastics moves in Stan's face]
    OC Leader: Whatchoo got, huh?! You got nothin'! [does some more moves and steps backwards into his crew] Damn! You just got served! [his crew agrees with him. Stan and friends don't move. The crew member dressed in red steps forward and dances in Kyle's face.] Aww man! [the dancer twirls on his head and ends in a challenge pose]
    OC Girl: He got you, dude.
    OC Leader: Now that kid is gettin' served!
    OC Girl: Uh huh. [the dancer in red stands on his left hand and challenges Kyle with his groin]
    OC: Whoa! [the dancer rolls away and stands on his right hand, rolls back and rests on his left side, then dances away]
    OC Leader: Aww man, look at them! They know they can't trip to that! [the girl turns the radio off and the dancers turn and walk away.] Yeah! We're outta here!
    OC Member 2: [in gray-green, looks left] That was smokin'!
    OC Member 1: [looks right] They didn't do nothin'!
    OC Member 3: [Asian, turns around] Sorry y'all, but try not to let it sting too bad! [laughs and turns around]
    OC Leader: [turns around] You got served! [the others laugh and he turns around] Come on! They had nothin'! Let's go y'all!
    OC Member: Come on y'all! [...and they're gone]
    Kyle: ...What the hell just happened?
    [Chef's house, later. Stan rings the doorbell]
    Chef: [opens up]Oh. Hello there, children!
    Stan: Chef, we just got served.
    Chef: Oh boy... Well come on inside, children. I'll make you some cocoa.

  153. Top four in the lineup stillhave something to say.

  154. BBI to Flo

    Time for Manny to play a Bass solo.

  155. Grand sweaty dong? Do it up, Youk.

  156. Lotta stage direction in that script!! Is "F'd in the A" in that one?

  157. Bases loaded for the Mayor of Dongville!

  158. Cartman: HA! You just got f'd in the a!


  159. 1.9 WHIP for this dude.

    Do it Yook.

  160. The name of the episode is F'd in the A.

  161. Sox 9th
    Lowrie: bc single RF
    Lyndon: cfb 1-3 (to 2nd base)
    Pedroia: cbc single CF, CF overruns ball for E, RBI, FY to 2nd
    Tiz: iii BBI
    Manny: FC 6-4, FY to 3rd
    Lowell: cbcbbf BB (loaded)
    Korecky in for Bass
    Yook: cf K (check swing, lunge outside)

    5-2 Sox

  162. LOB and here comes BOT.

    O GOD NO!

    excuse me while I curl up in a fetal position under my desk. Call me when it's over.

  163. patrick tests my well-known inability to discern sarcasm online

  164. I leave work at 10 and I'd like to get out on time. OK, Bot?

  165. Kubel: bcffff K

    (2 outs to go - can Bot do it in 12 minutes for L?)

  166. OK!

    I'd love to see Bot say KKK.

    Uh... well, you know what I mean.

  167. It's ok if I leave at 10:05 or 10:07. But not too much more than that.

  168. it's looking good for leaving on time...

  169. will bot celebrate more than joba, the same as joba or less than joba?

  170. Not 201.

    Let's see how Bot handles this.
