
June 15, 2008

Propaganda Posters

Chris Speakman's "Sports Propaganda" prints -- which update the look of World War II posters with a modern Red Sox theme -- are currently part of a New England commerical promotion, but I also wanted to mention them here.


  1. Check out posters from WWI and WWII.

    Naturally, some have been updated and "remixed".

  2. These are GREAT! Thanks. I would have missed them, but for JOS. The absloutely ONLY thing that has been good about this incredibly shitty fathers day in Chez Marshall.

    Well, except for the Red Sox, Wang going down, and the possibility that the Rays will screw up by acquiring Griffey. In 1967, the Red Sox weren't the oddest of the contenders in the four team race---the White Sox were. Like the Rays, they were built on speed, chemistry, defense and pitching (it is no coincidence that the team supplied several key members of the Miracle Mets). But the brass thought the team needed power and a "veteran presence," so they picked up a fading slugger and a border-line Hall of Fame prospect, Rocky Colavito and Ken Boyer for the stretch run. And were never as good again.

    Please please please come to Tampa Bay, Junior!

  3. incredibly shitty fathers day in Chez Marshall

    Sorry to hear that. I hope it was nothing serious or lasting.

  4. Father's days are different now.

    Posters cool.

    Have a great time in NewFinLind.
    Celts are the team of destiny.
    I would put Ray Allen at SS for the Sox.

    Lugo is good for that quick out when a pitcher is waiting to go in the 9th during a perfect game. He can stay on as a bench player for that reason alone.

    I would like to see some pics of the places you are going. I have always wanted to go over there. Drink some good wine.

  5. Father's days are different now.

    I was thinking of you, Andy.

    * * * *

    Good wine in Nfld? Maybe not, but probably some good brews.

    We'll have lots of pics when we get back. And while we're gone I'll be blathering about it on wmtc.

  6. Thanks for the concern, L. No,just multi-generational family disputes and old grudges, an absent teenage son, a manipulative sister, an 88-year-old mother who announces tearfully, "I guess we've just lived too long!!!)---you know, the usual family bull-shit.

    Go Sox.

    Have a great vacation. I've heard of them.

  7. Ah, family. How delightful it can be.

    Thanks for your good wishes. Vacations are brilliant, you should try it some time.

  8. If you pronounce Newfoundland wrong the local will pounce on you.

    The trick they taught me was to say "I understand Newfoundland" because they sound similar and you stress the same syllables.
