
August 21, 2008

Something Else #17: Neil Young

Neil Young and Crazy Horse
Ragged Glory Outtakes
Recorded at the Broken Arrow Ranch
June-July 1990
1 - Mansion On The Hill        9:02
2 - White Line 3:37
3 - White Line 1:00
4 - White Line 3:39
5 - Love To Burn :19
6 - Love To Burn 9:51
7 - The Days That Used To Be 4:48
8 - Love And Only Love 9:56
There is also an original song titled "Born To Run" that is sometimes included with this set, but I do not have it.

P.S.: I mentioned during a recent game thread that I'd post some outtakes from the Brian Eno/David Byrne album "My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts". But I discovered that almost all of what I have was released in 2006 on an expanded version of the CD.


  1. ah, I guess it was. cool. I have the record, but never picked up the re-issue.

    thanks for the Neil.

  2. I have the record, but never picked up the re-issue.

    Same here. I didn't even know there was a reissue until I started typing up the post.

    It looks like I have a couple of songs that are not on the reissue. I'll post those in another comment.

  3. I've only got the record, so I'd be interested in the previously-unreleased material, as well.

    Did anyone see the J. Demme Neil Young movie from a couple years ago? I think it was called "Heart of Gold." It was pretty neat to see on the big screen. He's still going pretty strong.

  4. Neil is SO awesome live.
    Saw a couple of shows in the 80's - early 90's, but never saw him with Crazy Horse until late 90's.
    With or without them he drives a crowd along with, no, more like pushes them along in front of a wave of music that just can't be ignored.
    Youkilis would be proud of the sweat that poured (pored?) out at the Crazy Horse show. Even the ballads kept you hanging on the next note, almost afraid to breathe.
    I've not actually bought any of his stuff since Harvest Moon,(I have a great 1/2 speed master of that!) or maybe Unplugged, not sure which was first. I heard a great interview on NPR last year that had some cuts from Chrome Dreams and I've heard one of the Living With War series. Now I feel an urge to explore some of the stuff between those.
    Any reccomendations?

  5. Any reccomendations?

    We bought the Living With War CD and I would not recommend it. Great sentiment and decent music, but really bad lyrics. Like written-in-less-time-than-it-takes-to-sing lyrics.

    Literal stuff like (not real lyrics but damn close):

    The president lied to us about weapons of mass destruction
    And started a war in Iraq and now our troops are dying ...
    We've got to tell him that we don't agree with that decision ...

    (you get the idea)

  6. The bootleg of the My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts has several songs with the same titles as the original/updated album.

    Not having the 2006 re-release (and not having listened to the album in many, many years), I don't know if these same-titled songs are actually the same or if they are different mixes or have different sounds in them. But to err on the side of caution, I did not upload them.

    What I have uploaded are the songs (and interview) from the boot that appear to not be on the 2006 reissue:

    Click Here

    01 - Interview
    03 - Into The Spirit Womb
    05 - The Friends Of Amos Tutuola
    09 - On The Way To Zagora
    10 - Les Hombres Ne Le Sauront Jamals

  7. saw him with Crazy Horse until late 90's. Faaaaabulous!

    It was.
