
September 29, 2008

Beckett: "Just A Freak Deal"

Rob Bradford, (Sept. 29, 12:50 a.m.)
In a text message sent moments after the Red Sox' 4-3, 10-inning win over the Yankees, Josh Beckett called the oblique injury suffered Friday "just a freak deal," having never suffered anything like it before, and reported that he felt better Sunday than the two previous days.
Art Martone's column has all the important links.

Also: Joe McDonald has a great article on Gil Velazquez, who made his major league debut on last Thursday and collected his first hit on Friday. ... Manny Ramirez talks a lot to columnist T.J. Simers. ... Stephen King freelances for ESPN.


  1. DET:
    2 PM start - delayed by rain

  2. It's worked out pretty well for me, this rain. Had to pick my sister up at a university bus stop and drive her to work. Then I had to pick my father up from work at four, then go pick up their car from the collision center (a few touch ups)... and I haven't missed a single pitch!

  3. Rain delay over! Game is on ESPN-2

  4. The most important game of the White Sox's season... the Cell is maybe half full.

  5. Although there'd be more people if it hadn't rained, I'm sure.

  6. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaardsma NOT on the ALDS roster. He's going to Fort Myers with David Pauley and Devern Hansack to pitch in the instructional league.

    Chris Smith and George Kottaras were sent home... Everyone else up in September will travel with the Red Sox to Anaheim. Just in case.

  7. If Lowell can hit but can't field...

    1B Ortiz
    3B Youkilis
    DH Lowell


  8. Good to see Aaaahdsma not on the roster, after witnessing the shit myself last night.

    Back in Canader (as remy would say) now, pretty shitty weekend in Boston overall. Rain for 3 days and a general lack of organization... but at least I got to see a Red Sox walkoff against the MFY :-)

    If only I had known I bought tickets in February, that this late September vs. MFY game would end in a Jonathan Van Every walkoff single.....

  9. Tony Massarotti makes a great point, regarding the Red Sox and how their ace helps the team. Or in this case, isn't relied on as heavily as other teams' aces are.

    It's worth noting that in Beckett's 27 starts this season, the Red Sox actually had a losing record (13-14). Behind Lester (22-11) and Matsuzaka (23-6), the Sox were a stunning 45-17. Teams like the Brewers would not be in the postseason today were it not for the contributions of their ace -- in Milwaukee's case, CC Sabathia -- but we probably cannot say the same for the Red Sox.

  10. If only I had known I bought tickets in February, that this late September vs. MFY game would end in a Jonathan Van Every walkoff single.....

    I remember when you said you had these tix, it seemed so amazing. Final games at Fenway, late Sept against the Yankees - wow! But no. Go figure.
