September 19, 2008

G153: Red Sox 4, Blue Jays 3

Red Sox   - 000 030 010 - 4  9  1
Blue Jays - 020 010 000 - 3 7 1
Jonathan Papelbon's throwing error put the tying run at second base with no one out in the bottom of the ninth, but he snuffed the next three hitters on a soft liner to shortstop, a groundout to second (runner to third) and a swinging strikeout of Travis Snider.

The Rays routed Minnesota 11-1, so Boston remains 1.5 GB in the East. But the wild card lead is back to 7.5.


Paul Byrd (4.53, 98 ERA+) / A.J. Burnett (4.19, 103 ERA+)

David Ortiz on winning the division or wild card:
If you're in, you're in. It doesn't matter. We won the division last year. We look forward to being back in the playoffs this year. I never noticed the difference between winning the division and going in as the Wild Card. As long as you're in, you're in. That's what everybody looks for -- being in the top four.
Yet, I also believe the East can still be had: Down by 1.5 and knowing the tiebreaker is Tampa's, the Red Sox need to make up 2.5 games with 10 left on the schedule.

Tony Massarotti is thinking about the post-season roster. ... Mike Lowell reports a "slight improvement" with his right hip. ... Check out these year's rookie hazing pix (Chris Carter has got some serious jugs).


Mike Puma, Post:
On the bright side, the Yankees don't have to worry about their season ending in a fourth straight AL Division Series meltdown. ...

"Why is everybody acting like this year is over with?" Jeter said.
The Yankees can be officially eliminated from the division race tonight, if the Rays win and New York loses. Any Red Sox wins and/or Yankees losses totalling three will eliminate the Yankees from the wild card race.

Twins/Rays at 7
Orioles/Yankees at 7
White Sox/Royals at 8
East                     Magic #
Rays 90 61 ---
Red Sox 89 63 1.5 10
Blue Jays 82 71 9.0 2
Yankees 82 71 9.0 2
Orioles 67 84 23.0 E

Wild Card Magic #
Red Sox 89 63 ---
Twins 83 70 6.5 4
Blue Jays 82 71 7.5 3
Yankees 82 71 7.5 3


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Anonymous said...

I just get to turn on the game, and this is what I get. Goddamn it.

Jere said...

ok, so it's as if Pedroia struck out

Amy said...

Yikes, close one for Tek.

Anonymous said...

What the hell was that? What the hell is going on this inning?

Amy said...

Thanks, Allan. I hardly remember him pitching.

laura k said...

It's always a little sad when the regular season ends, I think. Days are getting shorter, it's getting cold, leaves are changing... I like it, but it's a little poignant, I think.

SoSock said...

I sure would like to see us in the lead for once when I get in.

Jere said...

When you need it most, it stops...

allan said...

MIN: 000 0
FKR: 330

BAL: 110 0
MFY: 002

CWS: 00
KCR: 0

Zenslinger said...

Holy crap that announcer really does put a "p" in "Ellsbury".

Anonymous said...

By the way, redsock, nice tribute to DFW in the header and avatar. I, like many of you I'm sure, am pretty bummed out about the whole situation, as he's played as big a part in my life as any other artist, living or dead. He'll be missed.

nixon33 said...

this is pathetic.

Jere said...

I think one of the coolest things of all-time would be if the last ever dong hit at Yankee Stadium was hit by...Kevin Millar

Amy said...

Yeah, I find fall depressing. Love the leaves and the crisp weather, but I hate November when the leaves are gone, the sun is gone, and baseball is gone.

laura k said...

I love autumn. Love love love.

SoSock said...

Tiz has just not been consistently dependable this year.
Not completely UN dependable, but not consistent.

Anonymous said...

Also, good on the A Bartlett Giamatti (sp?).

laura k said...

Leaves are gone by mid-October here. Some are already turning. I see geese on their way south.

laura k said...

Ortiz has been hurt, and didn't get his swing back. It's his wrist, after all.

Amy said...


Jere said...

A and L, looks like you get one Sox series up there next year on weekdays--in August.

LOB laws broken!

Anonymous said...

YOUK! Thank God he didn't throw another breaking ball.

allan said...

It's the last paragraph that gets me every single time:

Of course, there are those who learn after the first few times. They grow out of sports. And there are others who were born with the wisdom to know that nothing lasts. These are the truly tough among us, the ones who can live without illusion, or without even the hope of illusion. I am not that grown-up or up-to-date. I am a simpler creature, tied to more primitive patterns and cycles. I need to think something lasts forever, and it might as well be that state of being that is a game; it might as well be that, in a green field, in the sun.


I am not that grown-up or up-to-date.

laura k said...

Burnett cursing at his fielders: "what's that, motherfucker?"

Jere said...

thanks James.

laura k said...

Jere, yes, we saw that. I'm also looking for a game or two in Detroit. But more importantly, we hope to get to Fenway. Jos1!

Amy said...

Fall is my least favorite season. I love summer best. Spring second because school ends, flowers bloom, and summer beckons. Winter next because of skiing and vacation. Fall...the end of summer and the beginning of school. It feels endless.

allan said...

Shades of Fruitbat???

CATCH THE BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amy said...


nixon33 said...


FUCK YEAH@!!!!!!!!

Jere said...

and we lead! The Mayour!

laura k said...

Holy crap that announcer really does put a "p" in "Ellsbury".

Thanks! Yes, he says Elspery.

3-2 US!!! OK Sosock and James, you can stop feeling sorry for yourselves!

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah! Blown check-swing call rattles Burnett the head case.

allan said...


Casey can hit!

A Conformer said...

Thank God for Casey's resurrection.

Zenslinger said...

Mayoral RBIs!

For all his average has been so high, it seems like I haven't seen him get a base hit since June or so.

Jere said...

Yeah, J09 of Sox. I still want to be in charge of tix. Though helpers might be needed. I'm already looking at that Mets weekend--actually, would you be coming for weekdays, I take it?

allan said...

win it for efd!

Anonymous said...

*Done feeling sorry for myself*

laura k said...

Jere, I don't know. I have to get through my writing deadline before I can focus on it.

Jere said...

There's a great road trip possibility for Sox fans in '09. @ Washington, then down to Atlanta for the weekend, then back up to Baltimore. And it's in summer.

laura k said...

win it for efd!

Yeah! They're there tonight and tomorrow.

*Done feeling sorry for myself*

There ya go! :)

allan said...

Just want to say that I'm enjoying my plush seat on the AL East Title bus that SoSock is driving! Beep Beep!

laura k said...

Atlanta and Baltimore in summer, that would be tough for me.

Amy said...

Great quote, Allan. From Infinite Jest?

allan said...

Former Commish Giamatti.

Jere said...

L: It's like the first few days of summer. I mean, the key is the order of series and locations--I was just noting that you avoid like 25 degree nights.

Anonymous said...

Man, these lineups are strange. Snider surely has earned the right to not bat 9th more than, say, Marco Scutaro.

And Terry must really dislike Canadians. Remember how displeased he was with Adam Sterns' crazy-ass catches?

allan said...

okay, byrd, don't eff it up.

laura k said...

What does the bus say about the 7-0 Tampa lead over Twins?

nick said...

just popping in on my phone. I see RUNS!

allan said...

You'll have to ask the driver.

nixon33 said...

my GF was in the bathroom putting on her makeup when they scored the three runs, she came out and i said, GET BACK IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!

ok im out for thre rest of the night.

got it on record


laura k said...

Amy, if you haven't read what that quote is from, you must. It's one of the most beautiful baseball pieces anywhere, IMO.

Jere, I know, I was half-kidding. I love baseball road trips anytime, anywhere. I just love cold weather and HATE heat & humidity.

Amy said...

oh fuck

allan said...

I need a new subtitle for the blog, though. For the playoffs, I guess.

allan said...

Is that all part of the Lord's plan, Byrd, you dolt?

Anonymous said...

Paul Byrd has now pitched 32 innings against the Blue Jays. I don't know how one would look such a thing up, but I'd be interested to see how a list of leaders in IP vs. 1 team would look this year.

allan said...

Green Fields Of The Mind

Jere said...

L: my "when you need it most, it stops" comment is from that piece too--YOU inspired me to say it with your comment two above it.

Also, if anyone doesn't know--Castiglione reads from it at the end of every season. I actually YouTubed it last year.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Giamatti a big classics scholar, as well?

Bowie Kuhn got into the HOF this year. From what I understand, Giamatti ain't there. Disgusting.

allan said...

fraking 9-0 in tamper?

Jere said...

to sum up Byrd's experience vs Toronto in 08: "Byrd Blew vs Blue Birds."

allan said...

Wasn't Giamatti a big classics scholar, as well?

Big union buster at Yale also.

Anonymous said...

Jere: Nice headline.

I flipped through Paul Byrd's autobiography (at a small bookstore in Manhattan. Why the hell would they even stock that?) It was all about his former pornography addiction and quoted liberally from the bible.

Someone more clever than I could work another "blue" pun into that headline.

laura k said...

When I was at Penn, he was Provost, and was supposed to get the president spot, and didn't. Then he went on to head the NY Public Library.

laura k said...

He was also the actor Paul Giamatii's dad, which someone may have already said, but my computer is slow tonight and I can't get through the whole thread.

Amy said...

Laura, what IS it from?

laura k said...

Allan linked to it above. Green Fields of the Mind.

He was an excellent writer.

Amy said...

His other son was an actor also. Was on Judging Amy, a pretty lame TV show.

Anonymous said...

Union buster? That's really disappointing.

Nabakov was apparently a huge dick. That doesn't stop me from loving Ada, Or Ardor (which I just finished today, and must have been a pretty big influence on DWF). But it sucks to see people you look up to turn out to be less than you imagined.

Amy said...

Yeah, I then saw that. Got distracted by talking to Harvey.

laura k said...

I hate Kuhn, too, but why would Bart Giamatti be in the HoF? Did he really contribute so much?

Anonymous said...

Jed with the cheapest of doubles.

Amy said...

Bookmarked it for later. So THAT's why you all are talking about Giamatti!

laura k said...

To say someone was a union buster at Yale is like saying he was hot in the desert.

Jere said...

NESN showing an HR which needed replay in the Rays game. 5 minute delay, and they channged the call. "And they got it right." --TC. Though it didn't look clear to me...

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying he should, necessarily. But he's certainly been better for baseball than damn Bowie Kuhn.

Zenslinger said...

Beautiful piece.

"It breaks your heart because it's supposed to."

laura k said...

Paul Giamatti is such a good actor. He was so good in Sideways, among other things.

laura k said...

Until Marvin Miller is in the HoF, it's all bullshit. I know they won't do it, but I wish they would while he is still alive.

Amy said...

Just read the first two sentences. Just the sentiment I was expressing before about spring, summer and fall.

Zenslinger said...

To say someone was a union buster at Yale is like saying he was hot in the desert.

No shit. I was a graduate student there when we were trying to organize ourselves. What a mess.

Anonymous said...

Fan interference on HR calls has always seemed kind of silly to me. It makes more sense with instant replay, but there is no way an umpire standing in the infield can make a reasonable call. I always thought that a fan's body should be considered beyond the boundary of the wall. If he/she catches it, call it gone.

SoSock said...

Been getting Cat settled in for the evening with some supper and her beads. Missed all our scoring and then the damn tie. Good thing he's got G* on his side ;<
Now I gotta run to the grocery store, dammit.
I expect us to be in the lead when I get back. And I'll stop at the station and gas up the bus :)

Jere said...

"Just read the first two sentences. Just the sentiment I was expressing before about spring, summer and fall."

Hence me saying the line "when you need it most, it stops," James telling me good call on the Giamatti ref, Allan linking the full piece....and so on

Anonymous said...

Hell yes on Marvin Miller.

Baseball writers, especially the older breed, have a pretty clear agenda.

laura k said...

No shit. I was a graduate student there when we were trying to organize ourselves. What a mess.

Universities have just been awful about this. Penn was awful too.

The TAs at NYU had a huge breakthrough, very hard-won.

Anonymous said...

I saw an episode of that dreadful NESN Comedy All-Stars, and the featured comedian was the driver in those stupid Olympia sports commercials. It was about as good as you'd expect.

Also, I'm reasonably certain there is no Olympia Sports "right around the corner" from Fenway.

laura k said...

And I'll stop at the station and gas up the bus :)

I know Allan and Jere are partying on that bus. I'm waving from the sidewalk, wishing you a happy ride.

Zenslinger said...

The TAs at NYU had a huge breakthrough, very hard-won.

I'm fuzzy on this stuff these days. Was this recently or a long time back?

laura k said...

I just got a report on some anti-Harper protests today. People are showing up with pro-resister banners on all his campaign stops, and it's starting to make the news. But today in Ottawa someone was dragged away by security and there was some kind of struggle. Can't wait to see video!

Jere said...

"I know Allan and Jere are partying on that bus. I'm waving from the sidewalk, wishing you a happy ride"

I paid 15 bucks to get on.

Amy said...

Great essay. Made my hair stand up (sort of like Oscar Gamble, though mine is straight). Baseball certainly inspires great writing.

Zenslinger said...

At City College in San Francisco, the union's done a lot of good work and we're treating...pretty well. Pay is at least livable. Other issues are ongoing.

Amy said...

I don't think the university professors are treated poorly---it's the grad students who are their assistants who are underpaid. Certainly Yale and Harvard faculty are not underpaid.

Amy said...

I guess James deleted the comment I was responding to.

laura k said...

Zen, re NYU, I don't remember exactly, but in the last 5 years or so. Maybe 3 years ago. I stopped keeping up on this b/c I'm not in the NWU (writer's union) anymore. But we have a friend who teaches at NYU and he has a very decent deal.

James' comment has disappeared, but it's amazing how bad these teachers are treated. I have a friend who teaches at a Uni here in Ontario, same crappy deal. I earn more than her as a word-processor than she does with a PhD.

Amy said...

Hence me saying the line "when you need it most, it stops," James telling me good call on the Giamatti ref, Allan linking the full piece....and so on

Guess I didn't get the initial reference since I had not read the essay!

Jere said...

"Guess I didn't get the initial reference since I had not read the essay!"

Well that certainly makes sense. I still like to clarify the order of things for anyone reading this 50 years from now.

laura k said...

If they're full professors, sure. But how many people have the oppy to make that? Assist profs on non-tenure tracks are not paid well, as far as I know.

But the grad students, that's a travesty.

Anonymous said...

It's also staff, "assistant professors" who never get the opportunity to become tenured or to work full time, tenured professors who aren't consulted on department issues, etc.

But yeah, some of those tenured professors make a whole lot of cash.

I know explicitly political comments are not allowed per blog rules, and I'll gladly refrain if I'm dancing too close to that line. Just let me know.

Zenslinger said...

I'm 'onna see what's shaking at The Bar.

Yankee fans all talking about football, I expect.

Amy said...

Yeah, I was referring to Yale and Harvard profs since that's what James mentioned. Certainly the liberal arts profs at our college are underpaid, and even the law profs make a lot less than they could as practicing lawyers. For me, the lifestyle and satisfaction that came with teaching more than made up for the loss of income.

Jere said...

Hey, if Mussina wins his next game, he'll go for #20 on Sunday at Fenway--last game of regular season. Play the starters, Terry!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I deleted it once because I double posted it in slightly different form, and I may have double deleted as well.

allan said...

I still like to clarify the order of things for anyone reading this 50 years from now.

They can also look it up in Volume 15 of "The Complete Joy Of Sox".

Anonymous said...

Bring back Carl Everett, a certified Mussina-historic-accomplishments-last-minute-killer.

laura k said...

But I mean only full professors, with tenure or on tenure tracks. There are lots of profs who are not that. Assistant profs, adjuncts, etc. They're all considered profs by students.

My father used to represent professors with CUNY. The unis were as bad as any employer I'd ever heard of.

Anonymous said...

They can also look it up in Volume 15 of "The Complete Joy Of Sox".

When will the first three volumes be back in print? I'd like to finish off my library.

allan said...

Twins get 1 in the 6th, trail 9-1. RALLY TIME!

CWS get 6 in the 4th on KC.

laura k said...

I know explicitly political comments are not allowed per blog rules

What? You are misinformed. We blather about political stuff all the time here.

Zenslinger said...

They can also look it up in Volume 15 of "The Complete Joy Of Sox".

Real aficionados will have have the 315 volume set.

allan said...

I know explicitly political comments are not allowed per blog rules

Some political comments are more allowed than others. (/orwell)

allan said...

If this game is in Volume 15, how much longer do I have to do this to get to 315?

Jere said...

Kim just entered room, said "he looks just like Arroyo." Maybe she was the one who started this whole thing?

allan said...

Byrd at 98, no one up, sez castig

Amy said...

Was your father a labor organizer, Laura? Lawyer? Harvey is a labor arbitrator (as well as a college prof) and worked for the NLRB after law school.

laura k said...

Ha! No, it was Nix. He asked me do I like Burnett since I like Brandon.

allan said...

What is the sweat exchange rate? Does Yook sweat more in Canada?

Amy said...

DAMN! That was BAD.

Anonymous said...

Offering political comments is not a good idea, unless you share my opinions. (Be sure you know what they are.)

I suspect I'm pretty close on political positions to the moderators here, but I certainly don't want to ruffle feathers.

Benjamin said...

Papi being Manny.

Jere said...

you could tell right when the guy caught it something was terribly awry.

allan said...

Media: Ortiz Being ... Manny!

Anonymous said...

Ooof. Can I start feeling sorry for myself again?

Amy said...

Oh, and when I say professors, I mean tenured professors. Or those on the tenure track. Adjuncts and instructors are terribly underpaid.

laura k said...

Labour organizer when he was younger, with textile workers, then a union rep/agent with textile workers, then college teaching staff. Also a complete asshole, so that's enough dad talk.

Jere said...

why not say Papi being Trot Nixon?

laura k said...

What is the sweat exchange rate?

Does he sweat in Celsius? Or just in litres instead of gallons?

allan said...

why not say Papi being Trot Nixon?

I thought of that too.

Can I start feeling sorry for myself again?

Permission granted.

Jere said...

I was also gonna say what sock said, then Phil said what those people would say!

Anonymous said...

Javier Lopez, the Red Sox' 3nd most reliable reliever?


Amy said...

Nice play. What took the ump so long?

laura k said...

James, if you're not a right-winger, chances are it will be fine.

I think the "make sure you know what they are" comment refers to wingnuts who often assume we love the democrats. Like if you say something bad about Bush, they say, "Oh yeah, well Clinton...", as if that's the point.

But gamethreads go all over the place. You don't have to monitor yourself too much.

Anonymous said...

I hear the sweet siren song of gin martinis. I'm out of here. Have a great night.

allan said...

But I have also said I would prefer election stuff not be discussed at length.

laura k said...

Mmmm, martinis....

allan said...

in play, martini(s) ...

laura k said...

Oh yeah, election stuff. Glad you said that. I thought he meant political views and thoughts, not the election.

laura k said...

MDC coming in.

Amy said...

James, this group is pretty tolerant of most things except sexism, racism, etc. You just get bombarded if you make a right wing remark! And definitely do NOT say anything negative about dogs, or you are banned for life.

laura k said...

James, this group is pretty tolerant of most things except sexism, racism, etc. You just get bombarded if you make a right wing remark! And definitely do NOT say anything negative about dogs, or you are banned for life.

Nice summary! :)

Benjamin said...

But we're tolerant of sexism when the sex in question involves Ellsbury's anatomy.

laura k said...

How is drooling over LBJ sexist?

Benjamin said...

Sorry, bad pun (by which I mean poorly executed).

Amy said...

Phil, there's a difference between sexual longing and sexism. We have lots of Heidi longing around here!

laura k said...

Probably well executed but poorly understood by me. My usual MO.

laura k said...

Mmm, longing...

Amy said...

OK, Phil, it really did go over my head!

(And I was just going to add to my summary that you'd better have a good sense of humor and thick skin to hang out here!)

laura k said...

Thick skin, really? Are we mean? I hope not.

Benjamin said...

Meanwhile I got my partner to read The Watchmen while I watch the game. It's a twofer.

A Conformer said...

How is drooling over LBJ sexist?

L, I must say I think you should judge baseball players based on their baseball skills and not their smooth VoulVou voice, legs and beauty. And LBJ has not been very good this year. Why don't you drool over the bald midget more? Huh?

(This whole comment is obviously tongue in cheek...)

laura k said...

Oh very cool. Everybody wins. (Except the Jays I hope.)

SoSock said...

Hey, we were supposed to be leading when I got home - WTF?
And James, they may be pretty tolerant, but you do NOT want to piss off the bus driver! :)
(Actually I'm the freaking biggest pushover around according to my wife)

laura k said...

Believe it or not, I actually knew Ofer was being sarcastic!

Benjamin said...

How can you walk Kotsay while he's in this slump?

laura k said...

bald midget! ha ha

SoSock said...

How can you walk Kotsay while he's in this slump?

Is GDGD that far behind? They just put up Bay's walk.

Amy said...

Laura, I was thinking of our friend who made our brain hurt when I said you need to be thick skinned.

allan said...

They should BBI jedi to set up the GIDP from tek.

SoSock said...

Oops, I meant Bay's hit.

Jere said...

they're loaded

Benjamin said...

They should BBI jedi to set up the GIDP from tek.

They basically did.

Amy said...

Hey, Tek got a double tonight! Give him a chance!

(Though I also fear the GIDP>)

SoSock said...

RS - they did.

laura k said...

But Amy, she was a complete exception to our usual fare. My guess is she's been kicked off or stormed off from many internet communities.

Jere said...

he just needs a fly.... or a FC! 4-3 us.

laura k said...


allan said...

Tek is 1 for 15 with bases loaded this year.

Benjamin said...

Nice slide, Jed.

Amy said...

And no DP!

SoSock said...

I SEE RUN(s)!!

A Conformer said...

Laura, I was thinking of our friend who made our brain hurt when I said you need to be thick skinned.

I don't think that had anything to do with thick skins... I think it was a point on which the friend was predisposed to get angry. If you will, there was thick skin there, but it had one thin spot that you inadvertently hit.

Amy said...

Yeah, she was what we call the eggshell plaintiff in tort law. How were we supposed to know she was so fragile?

A Conformer said...

Laura, I was thinking of our friend who made our brain hurt when I said you need to be thick skinned.

I don't think that had anything to do with thick skins... I think it was a point on which the friend was predisposed to get angry. If you will, there was thick skin there, but it had one thin spot that you inadvertently hit.

Benjamin said...

I SEE RUN(s)!!

Singular. But in the 8th, that helps.

Benjamin said...

Also don't mention that wanker Tim Russert. Some here don't think he was a wanker.

Jere said...

After the earlier high-scoring update, we now have, around MLB: Two 11s, a 12, a 13, a 9, and two 8s.

laura k said...

I think it was a point on which the friend was predisposed to get angry.

I agree.

The way she reacted when her button was inadvertantly pushed, however, makes me think she may have many such buttons. Some people are walking mine fields.

I could be wrong, of course, it was just my impression.

SoSock said...

Let's go EllsPerry!

Benjamin said...

John Parrish joins Steve Boros on the all-municipal team.

laura k said...

Oh yes, the Russert blowup. Believe me, had I realized someone on the thread really dug him, I wouldn't have started.

Benjamin said...

I don't remember who "she" is, which shows how much I've been paying attention.

allan said...

Come on ELLPS!

laura k said...

Oh Vernon Wells would you just go away.

Amy said...

Ugh, too bad. At least we went ahead. And Tek gets the RBI?

Jere said...

Jeff Burroughs--does he get in on municipal or animal team or both or neither?

Benjamin said...

Babe Towne

laura k said...

Boros and Parrish, very nice! There must be a Townes or Towne somewhere.

allan said...

i didn't think wells dove for stuff.

laura k said...

Whoa, large brawl in Cleveland, involving Sheffield.

Jere said...

Babe Towne

Benjamin said...

Carlos Muniz?

Jere said...

Moe Berg

laura k said...

Burroughs gotta be both animal and municipal.

Any Hamlets? Villages?

allan said...

City Gaston?

laura k said...

Berg - very good!!

Muniz is funny.

Benjamin said...

Charlie Metro

Amy said...

There must have been some player named Ward also.

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