
September 19, 2008

G153: Red Sox 4, Blue Jays 3

Red Sox   - 000 030 010 - 4  9  1
Blue Jays - 020 010 000 - 3 7 1
Jonathan Papelbon's throwing error put the tying run at second base with no one out in the bottom of the ninth, but he snuffed the next three hitters on a soft liner to shortstop, a groundout to second (runner to third) and a swinging strikeout of Travis Snider.

The Rays routed Minnesota 11-1, so Boston remains 1.5 GB in the East. But the wild card lead is back to 7.5.


Paul Byrd (4.53, 98 ERA+) / A.J. Burnett (4.19, 103 ERA+)

David Ortiz on winning the division or wild card:
If you're in, you're in. It doesn't matter. We won the division last year. We look forward to being back in the playoffs this year. I never noticed the difference between winning the division and going in as the Wild Card. As long as you're in, you're in. That's what everybody looks for -- being in the top four.
Yet, I also believe the East can still be had: Down by 1.5 and knowing the tiebreaker is Tampa's, the Red Sox need to make up 2.5 games with 10 left on the schedule.

Tony Massarotti is thinking about the post-season roster. ... Mike Lowell reports a "slight improvement" with his right hip. ... Check out these year's rookie hazing pix (Chris Carter has got some serious jugs).


Mike Puma, Post:
On the bright side, the Yankees don't have to worry about their season ending in a fourth straight AL Division Series meltdown. ...

"Why is everybody acting like this year is over with?" Jeter said.
The Yankees can be officially eliminated from the division race tonight, if the Rays win and New York loses. Any Red Sox wins and/or Yankees losses totalling three will eliminate the Yankees from the wild card race.

Twins/Rays at 7
Orioles/Yankees at 7
White Sox/Royals at 8
East                     Magic #
Rays 90 61 ---
Red Sox 89 63 1.5 10
Blue Jays 82 71 9.0 2
Yankees 82 71 9.0 2
Orioles 67 84 23.0 E

Wild Card Magic #
Red Sox 89 63 ---
Twins 83 70 6.5 4
Blue Jays 82 71 7.5 3
Yankees 82 71 7.5 3


  1. Last year's September call-ups go through rookie hazing twice? Doesn't seem right. I was surprised to see LBJ's name in that post, since I distinctly remember his get-up last year.

  2. Still no Drew.

    1. Jacoby Ellsbury, CF
    2. Dustin Pedroia, 2B
    3. David Ortiz, DH
    4. Kevin Youkilis, 3B
    5. Sean Casey, 1B
    6. Jason Bay, LF
    7. Mark Kotsay, RF
    8. Jed Lowrie, SS
    9. Jason Varitek, C

    1. Joe Inglett, 2B
    2. Marco Scutaro, SS
    3. Alex Rios, RF
    4. Vernon Wells, CF
    5. Lyle Overbay, 1B
    6. Adam Lind, DH
    7. Scott Rolen, 3B
    8. Gregg Zaun, C
    9. Travis Snider, LF


  4. See you there, Nix. I'm in right field. Where are you?

  5. $55 section, grandstand i believe.
    we'll get a beer, or 9.

  6. Ooo jealous jealous jealous!!! But I'm glad JoS will be well represented at Fenway.

  7. i almost threw up when i got thru i was so fucking nervous. ha. i was suprised how relatively "easy it was" only took me 5 minutes of redialing to get thru. people on SoSH are saying they got in 2-4 times! I WISH I HAD THAT KINDA MONEY!

  8. since I don't drink, you can have mine. 18 brewskis for Nix!

  9. 18 brewskis for Nix!

    now THATS the kinda money i wish i had!

  10. jere where do you find out info about tix date/sales times? i found it accidentally at SoSH.
    you know, just in case for the ALCS?

  11. holy ess. Since I already had ALDS tix, I didn't even think to try calling for the extra seats they release by phone for non-winners of the lottery today. Didn't even think of it until Nix said it. So for the hell of it, I called just now. Got through right away. No tix left for game 1 or 2, but they had some for game 3. So I got a 55-dollar infield grandstand for it. Non-refundable fee of 15 bucks if game not played (ie we're the wild card). So I just essentially bet $15 the Red Sox would win the division! (and then go to a game 5.) Worth it! THANKS for the heads-up, Nix. (And if you want to take the same bet, call now!)

  12. Nix--If you go to the "postseaon opportunity" thing at, it tells when each series' ticket-buying times are for people who win that round's lottery. It's always 3:00 on that day for each round, you can get some by phone only on the 4SOX line. Note, though, that you can always call the REDSOX9 line at any point during the playoffs (during office hours) and see if they have anything by talking to a live person. That's how I got tix for ALCS game 7 last year.

  13. I just got back from vacation in Glacier and Grand Teton National Parks. I got so many compliments from people there for my Red Sox hat. (Though one Yankees fan at Many Glacier Hotel gave me a hard time.) I see the Red Sox are more or less where they were 10 days ago. There was no TV anywhere in these places, so I haven't seen a game in ages, but I did read a nice article in USA Today about Dustin Pedroia.

  14. I just got back from vacation in Glacier and Grand Teton National Parks.

    Beautiful there, eh? I've been to Grand Teton (as a child), but not yet to Glacier.

    * * * *

    I am so looking forward to tonight's game. I haven't been able to watch a full game since Monday night.

    Gamethreader efd is at the game tonight and tomorrow. We were supposed to meet him and his g/f, but couldn't.

  15. And now some rap. WTF?

    Where is the game? This is on mlb audio, by the way.

  16. Are you telling me I have to listen to the Jays radio guys?


  17. how much does yr internet package cost for the year , redsock?

  18. Why can't you get Red Sox radio? There are always at least 3 choices.



  20. 3 audio options:

    spanish guys

    and the sox feed right now is some is FM station - playing some really shitty metal.

  21. *internet baseball* package rather.

  22. A, try again every once in a while, it will probly come back.

    And take a xanax. :)

  23. Assuming you don't have vodka at work.

  24. I got the cheapest mlbtv package, which was 80 or 90. This lowest level does not get the two tv feeds they have now by the way. The top 2 levels do, though.

    mlb audio came with it - fuck lot of good it's doing me now, though.

  25. I just got a couple liters of kvas.

  26. jays radio - i recognize the guy's voice from the WFAN pre-EI lead-ins -- says the sox come in with a "glossy" 89-63 record!

  27. the is best for you so you can watch from work too, right?

  28. we got the cable/EI thing for home, but yeah, I got mlbtv for work.

  29. yeah, EI is best for nesn every night. thats what i have im lucky as i work from home.

  30. We get the EI package at home, b/c there's no DirecTV up here, we can get it on cable. We get around that rip-off. Then Allan also subscribes to MLBTV so he can watch at work.

    I use MLB audio at work. $15 for the whole season, I love it.

  31. argh, I see others are also getting WAAF instead of WRKO via the MLB audio feed. Not a good start.

  32. We don't always get NESN tho. We get lots of crappy fox anncrs too.

  33. Who was it that said AJ Burnett looks like Arroyo? NO. Nonono.

  34. sock, just AIM video chat me, and I'll put my laptop facing the TV! Would be hard for me to thread, though....

  35. i said it, and he DOES look like he could be his bro. TOTALLY COME ON!

  36. Hey, Nix, congrats on the tickets! I entered that lottery but was a loser. I didn't know about the call in. Guess I should read the small print.

  37. And, Jere, congrats on your book! I saw the review on WMTC and look forward to reading it.

  38. fucking a theres no one there in toronto!

  39. "i said it, and he DOES look like he could be his bro. TOTALLY COME ON!"

    I guess he could be the dumpy redneck brother who's jealous of his good-looking cooler brother.

  40. too complicated, jere. this jays guy is fine, plus i am doing a bit of work at the same time.

  41. Hmmm, Allan and Laura, no opportunity to get to a game this weekend, I assume?

    Shit, Scutaro.

  42. Gotta fold some laundry, see you in a bit. I always save the folding for game time.

  43. funny l-girl.
    man even cito's 'stache knows what byrds throwing.

  44. fucking a theres no one there in toronto!

    St Petersburg North.

    Fucking Scutaro.

  45. Amy, thanks--and see my comment about getting tix to game 3. If you wanna take that risk, you could probably still call in. Though I think it's just scattered single tix. To a game that might not happen...

  46. No games for us in Toronto at all this year - they're only in Toronto on weekends. We saw some games in Detroit, that was it.

  47. Yes, Jere, you owe Laura some royalties.

    I also saw a review of a book in the NYTimes yesterday about Boston where Babe has a small role. I do not remember the name or the author. Surprise, surprise.

  48. Nix--when you go to the playoff game, if you happen to buy the $2 "unofficial" scorebook (Boston Baseball-the one they hawk outside the park), look for the ad for my book. It'll be in that issue. (And I only thought to put one in after going thorough a 2002 issue I found while unpacking and seeing an ad for...Allan's book!)

  49. That's too bad that you cannot get to any of the games. It would seem one real advantage of living in TO would be easily getting into a Sox game.

    (I realize there are other benefits....but I am just thinking as a baseball fan at the moment.)

  50. I also saw a review of a book in the NYTimes yesterday about Boston where Babe has a small role. I do not remember the name or the author. Surprise, surprise.

    That sounds familiar. I think the author may have contacted me awhile ago.

  51. It takes place in 1919. More about Boston at that time than about the Red Sox. I can look it up. I am better at book research than baseball research.

  52. amy--there is this OTHER Red Sox mystery involving Babe and curses and stuff...

  53. The Given Day by Dennis Lehane

  54. oh, this one takes place in 2007, not 1919. Must be something else.

  55. It's just how it is. Working weekends has pros and cons. Last year we went to every Sox game in Toronto minus one.

    On the plus side, I watch all the weekday day games at home while many people are working.

  56. Yes, Jere, I am reading that one first! Not trying to steal any attention away from that other book! It sounds great.

  57. Can't find any emails about that book though.

  58. Jere, that's cool you have an ad in that program. We did that too a few times for 1918.

  59. Longoria being Longoria. 2-0 Fucking Rays.

  60. On the plus side, I watch all the weekday day games at home while many people are working.

    And some of us are working at night and missing those games.

    Thank goodness for Friday nights.

  61. I went to Seven Stars Bakery on Hope St today, jere. Was that the location you were camping?

  62. 7 Stars--used it once for internet, yes. Never used your Biltmore suggestions, though I want to go there because of its sign....

    two stranded...crap


  63. Here
    is the NYTimes review of the other book...not as intriguing as Jere's. :)

  64. I might meet Lahane tomorrow, he'll be at this independent booksellers show that I'll be signing at. (If anyone comes up to me! I picture me at a table with scores of people coming up to Lahane and me sitting there twiddling thumbs...)

  65. Lahane is the Mystic River guy, by the way.

  66. We finally got our car back today from the auto body shop. Disappointing, the way they did the bare minimum - there are still scratches everywhere and a couple of loose bits here and there. A new driver's seat that's dirty and wrinkled...

    Guess I shouldn't have expected so much. So we're going to make a list and go back.

  67. From the Times review:

    Babe Ruth, who turns up throughout “The Given Day,” is Mr. Lehane’s unlikely fulcrum. The book begins in September 1918 with Ruth on a train, en route from Chicago to Boston in the midst of the World Series. The train breaks down in Ohio, leaving the white ballplayers with time to kill. Babe happens onto a group of black players and decides to engage them in some harmless, sporting fun.

    Now I remember. A fact-checker from the publisher contacted me, asking about that train trip and Ruth. I sent them a bunch of info from the next day's newspapers. (It did not break down at any time, as far as I know.)

    I think I'm due a copy of that bad boy. 704 pages! Big books!

  68. Where will you be, Jere? Maybe I can get my daughter to go pick up a copy for me.

  69. 3B, 2B, 2B, 1B for the Rays in the first. 3-0

  70. Looks like the usual amt of ppl at Skydome tonight. It's a big place, they don't usually sell out, but it's not empty.

  71. Amy--thanks, but it's for booksellers, not a public event. It's like a trade show.

  72. WRKO is back on the MLB audio feed.

  73. Jere, ppl will come over to yr table. Folks love autographed books. You'll sell some.

  74. Byrd has to use more pitches to get Overbay out (8) than in the whole first inning (7).

  75. Oh never mind, just saw your post to Amy.

  76. Oh, well, let me know if you do a public book signing.

  77. will be a bigger Sox contingent tomorrow and Sunday though, I'm sure

  78. its so silly that the SoSH thread about byrd tipping pitches got mentioned by amelie b. and it was talked about on nesn. and its been addressed by the sox pitching coaches.

  79. L: I think I'm just giving them away--still just have galleys--though at least we have a jacket now to stick into each galley.... my mom's at a wedding tomorrow, leaving me to fly blind at this thing.

  80. i think byrd's wife is in the jays booth

    talking about "everything we do is for the love of the lord"

  81. DP gets the Twins out of further trouble in the first.

  82. Redsock, I don't know if it was mentioned, but WRKO stopped playing Guns n' Roses... the game is on there now.

    And Castig just said that the Jays "stopped with their Moneyball approach, and now swing at first pitches a lot". Oh, well...

  83. That should be an interesting experience, being part of the biz.

    Bah, BJ 2b.

  84. talking about "everything we do is for the love of the lord"

    She said that in the booth? Yeeech.

  85. "Oh, well, let me know if you do a public book signing."

    AmeDog--looks like the first chance of that will be Oct 21st--Redbones BBQ in Somerville. A mystery bookstore has book parties there.

  86. Jere, I think it is so great that you wrote that book with your mother. Is she a lifelong Sox fan? Or was that your influence?

    I would love to hear more about how you wrote the book together, but not sure this is the time or place.

  87. Shit. Two outs and we give up a run.

  88. everything we do is for the love of the lord

    Eeeee-ven the porn, hmmmm?

  89. Oh damn. Buffy's having a heart attack.

  90. where's the damn lord when we need him??

  91. The triple double...Byrd in the 'pen for the playoffs, anyone?

  92. Jere, looks like that's a Tuesday night? Not sure she can get out to Somerville after work, but maybe. She works in Back Bay and lives in Brighton---anything happening out that way, let me know.

  93. Oh,yeah, I meant to add Shit Shit. For the second run.

  94. maybe it's wells's wife. just heard the word vernon.

    i did see byrd's book in the little book store in the building where I work though.

  95. yes, Amy, mom is lifelong Sox fan--her dad was Sox and her mom was Yanks, but dad's influence won out. (Note: having one of four grandparents as a Yankee fan does NOT make me a quarter Yankee fan.)

  96. not byrd

    promo for something the "lady jays" are doing this weekend.

    whoever it is, THEY LOVE THEIR JEEBUS

  97. paul: third outs are not to be feared

  98. Amy, since Jere didn't say, I'll tell you, the press release for the book says mom is a 3rd-generation sox fan, son is a 4th-gen fan.

  99. Jere, my daughters are half Yankee/half Red Sox, but neither one was ever a Yankee fan. It helped that they grew up in MA.

  100. of course I type that then see Jere's answer.

  101. oh, I'm never bored..when I'm givin' up runs for the lord.

  102. Yes, a third out.

    RUNS, please.

  103. any of you punkers ever listen to the circle jerks?

  104. uh can we some runs of of arroyo's bro, cletus?

  105. That was Wells' wife in the booth. That's how I knew WRKO came back! I couldn't bare listening to it, so i checked it again...

  106. circle jerks - i used to.

    cletus :)

  107. yes have listened to Keith Morris and the Jerks. Why?

  108. also buffy says "jacoby elsp-ery". a very distinct P where the B should be.

  109. Circle jerks?? Never heard of them. Are you surprised?

  110. I was thinking of a song.. don't remember if it was on "wild in the streets" or "IV", but it had the line:

    I'm never bored
    when I'm killing for the lord

    I think it might've been called killing for jesus.

  111. enough mookie already. RUNS PLEASE

  112. Killing For Jesus, that's the song

  113. Nice AB for Papi...from 0-2 to a full count

  114. Here's a funny Bush-related vid to that song.

  115. I was about to link to that Jere. At least this time I saw the comment first.

  116. Byrd is pitch-tipping for Jesus

  117. There were certain albums my mom wouldn't let me have:

    - anything by the circle jerks
    - butthole surfers - locust abortion technician
    - lubricated goat - psychedelicatessan

    The last one was when we were at a record store in Milwaukee when we were out there for my grandfather's funeral. I bought Ministry's "Jesus Built My Hot Rod" instead.

  118. Oo oo oo, the first Liberal ad I've seen here. On "Harpernomics". And guess what, it's all issues.

    Harper's ads are making fun of Dion, the Lib candidate. Lib's ads are Harper's record. Funny how that works.

  119. Ha ha Buffy, you tried to trupe us but it was only a fly out.

  120. never saw that video before. thanks. and I haven't listened to it in at least a decade. thanks again.

  121. Oh no, jesusy wife coming on tv soon.

  122. Is that Remy picture from when he was a player or already an announcer?

  123. That belongs in the 1970s hair museum.

  124. Let's bring Youk home, please.

  125. O'B: "Jays wearing their powder blue uniforms ... it's rather unfortunate."

  126. Angels shirt on and young--Id' say it's an injured Remy with Angels announcers circa mid 70s

  127. Note also the cigarettes openly displayed.

  128. Lowell out for this entire weekend, says O'B.

  129. No mention of jeebus on her tv interview. Just the foundation pitch.

  130. Sounds like there is no rush to bring Lowell (and Drew?) back since a playoff spot is assured. And what Lowell needs the most of is rest. So it's probably the smartest thing to do.

  131. Check out the hair on Remy.

    Is Remy Israeli? Shave the mustache and he can join a Kibbutz...

  132. What happened to Ish? He came and told us about his car and then disappeared. I wanted to comment on the great photos he posted as a slideshow on his blog (non-baseball related).

  133. NL scoreboard:

    3 different games

    Cards got 5 in top of 1st
    Reds got 5 in bottom of 1st
    Marlins got 5 in bottom of 1st

  134. Remy Israeli! LOL! Everyone had hair like that in the 70s, if they had curly hair. I dated a guy whose hair stood up at least 6 inches. I look back at those photos and wonder what we were all thinking. Remy's looks well-trimmed in comparison.

  135. what is kotsay, oh for his last 50?

  136. Two on...bring them in. No LOB.

  137. Come on, Jed. We need the runs.

  138. strand the pair...

    Everyone had hair like that in the 70s, if they had curly hair.

    Sure did. Straight hair was parted on the side and constantly pushed off the face.

  139. Bake McBride had great hair, too. Gamble is classic.

  140. THAT was what my high school bf's hair looked like (the Oscar Gamble look).

  141. My hair was long and straight and down to my waste. Til I went to law school and sold out!

  142. Both emma and I were home sick today. We watched an old episode of wheel of fortune and card sharks. man, hair-dos! just like when I was home sick as a youth.

  143. It looks like Joe M. Did he play for the Astros?

  144. What's wrong, Nick? I used to like sick days home with my kids, as long as neither of us really felt too sick.

  145. It does look like Joe M (the second basement, not the runner).

  146. for me, weak, foggy brained, but no fever. her, mostly psychosomatic.

    off to take her to bed. I want Sox Runs!

  147. I confess that I am starting to feel a bit blue about the season ending (even though I feel assured that we will have October Sox baseball). This season just flew by...and I missed too many games.

  148. break the LOB law this inning guys

  149. ooh, seeing an ad for new Godfather DVDs "The Coppola Restoration." As I've been holding out on buying that film up until now, I guess now's the time.

  150. I just checked out "Gameday Mini" - I like it.

  151. I was surprised to see LBJ's name in that post, since I distinctly remember his get-up last year.

    Very nice legs, as I recall.

  152. I knew Tek was going to get an extra base hit. I knew it.

  153. Bartolo Colon pulled a "Marla's boyfriend." ("I don't know, he never came back.") (From The Virgin episode.)

  154. Two on, no one out. DON"T BLOW IT.

  155. What happened to Ish?

    I was hungry...

  156. Very nice legs, as I recall.

    I thought so. Looked nice in stockings.

  157. How many games did Colon pitch this year other than minor league?
