
January 12, 2010

New Computer

My Dell XPS 8000 arrived this afternoon.

Processing speed: laptop:XPS8000 as Lowell:Ellsbury.

I am very happy.


  1. Me too! Imagine all the complaining I won't hear.

    Enjoy. As my mother says, "Use it in good health."

  2. I was just going to write, "Enjoy." Guess I am channeling Laura's mother!

    Enjoy, and use it in good health.

  3. Now all we need is for Allan to join Facebook, so we can get notices when JOS is updated like we do for wmtc! Baby steps.

  4. Oh come on Allan... I'll be your friend. :-)

    Very cool and I'm very jealous. My four-year-old laptop is doggin' something terrible.

  5. when JOS is updated like we do for wmtc!

    ??? I only re-post maybe 1 of every 10 posts on FB.

    Why not just subscribe to the JoS feed?

    Very cool and I'm very jealous. My four-year-old laptop is doggin' something terrible.

    If it's any consolation, Allan's laptop is something like 8 years old. We totally couldn't afford this, but had no choice.

  6. The JoS feed is on my work desktop scroll. New Computer certainly caught my eye.

    Eight years - slow clap for hanging on to it that long!

  7. Way cool.

    My poor ancient desk unit is completely overwhelmed by all the graphics, flash apps, and streaming of modern day websites. The laptop is much better, but it's 2 or 3 years old now and starting to show signs of being a little overworked itself.

  8. We need to have a Joy of Sox division on Twitter. For those of you on Twitter, my name is Rob_Ish.
