
March 6, 2010

The Joy of Fox

[UPDATE: Links to pics and post.]

Laura and I went with a friend to Jungle Cat World last Thursday. After walking around by ourselves, we accompanied an employee as she dragged a sled of raw meat around the complex and fed everyone. Then we got to handle a few of the younger animals.

Laura should have links to our pics (as well as more info about the place) up in the next day or two. In the meantime, here's me with a fox.
The fox shares its home with a lynx.
We got to play with young tiger cub.

At one point during our initial walking around, two wolves (maybe 75 yards apart in separate enclosures) began to howl back and forth. Very cool!

We loved this particular wolf. Maybe this was one reason why ...


  1. Were they Seawolves? I know lame but you set yourself up.

    Intresting to see what you look like Allan, and Laura.

  2. Oh man, I can't believe you posted this before I even have the Flickr set up and posted on wmtc!

    More pics and details coming soon...

  3. Well, we did see wolves.

    Oh man, I can't believe you posted this before I even have the Flickr set up and posted on wmtc!

    I am trying to avoid doing a shitty job at work! (Though I can't put it off much longer.)

    These were pics our friend took -- with a very nice camera. We'll see how ours -- with a puny little basic thing -- come out. I took a lot, though, so we should have some keepers.

  4. see wolves

    Didn't even think about that one nice.

    You know what would be really nice if you saw any Cougars, um the cat not you know...anyways....That's my high school's mascot/nickname. And, if you saw any Wolverines(rival) I hope you spat on them I mean looked on in wonder of course.

  5. Intresting to see what you look like Allan, and Laura.

    I'm extremely camera-shy, but with sunglasses and a parka, I can cope. :)

    The wolves were AWESOME, and I do mean awesome, not just really cool. Hearing a spontaneous howl among all the wolves gave me chills.

  6. Last summer:

    Halliburton Ontario Wolf Centre

    We took a zillion photos there, this is a small sample.

  7. We did see Cougars, more than one kind.

  8. That looks awesome, and I want to go there.

    Another New England connection, the weather forecast on that site says its in Orono, Ontario...

  9. It is in Orono, Ontario!

    The friend we went with played with those tiger cubs when they were 6 weeks old, the size of house cats. We are going back after the female tiger gives birth again. At least I am!

  10. Can I come?! Looks like a great cool time.

  11. This is just SO cool. I"m sensing another addition to my to-do list.

  12. Tim, sure!

    SoSock, maybe when you're in Ontario for JoS2?! :)

  13. MLB can go suck a bowl of dicks. It's starting here in Spring Training with shitty broadcasting rules.

    NESN's not showing the Red Sox/O's game... MLB Network is, but they've blacked it out in New England, for no apparent reason.

  14. And actually I meant EAT a bowl of dicks, but I was too annoyed to think straight about dick eating at the time.

  15. Well supposedly the water is dirty, but I didn't see it.

  16. OK Ish, do you actually think straight about eating a bowl of dicks?
    Off topic - but actually baseball related :) -
    I did a small job for an old friend Friday. Actually, the mother of an old friend. Her name is Sylvia Cardwell, and she is the widow of Don Cardwell, the pitcher about whom I wrote on my blog when he passed away about 2 years ago. Their son Gary and I are the same age and were in class together every year from 2nd grade until high school, when last names stopped determining who your classmates were. Mrs. Cardwell was our grade mother several years, and Don would come speak every couple of years or so. We were in the 5th grade when his dad pitched for the Mets in the 69 Series.
    It was great hearing her talk about going to the 40th ann. celebration they did at the new park last fall, and seeing "all the old guys and their wives" again. She referred to seeing Yogi and George. It wasn't till I saw a signed picture on her wall I realized she meant George Thomas Seaver. "Yes," she confirmed, "George and Nolan were both there, and so was Ralph". Kiner, I'm assuming she meant. Speaking of pictures, while she was writing my check I kept glancing in at the virtual museum of memorabilia on the walls in the living room until she finally invited me to go look. The first thing that greeted me were 4 large framed photos all autographed with a personal message to Don. Aaron, Mays, Berra, and Musial. I damn near fainted.
