
April 15, 2010

G9: Twins 8, Red Sox 0

Red Sox - 000 000 000 - 0  6  3
Twins - 010 032 20x - 8 15 0
Liriano (7-4-0-2-8, 96) had a fantastic slider the Sox batters could not lay off and Wakefield and Scott Schoeneweis melted in the middle innings.

Dustin Pedroia had three of Boston's six hits. Only three Red Sox runners got past second base -- and just one of those came after the second inning.
Tim Wakefield / Francisco Liriano

Mike Lowell will DH today, with David Ortiz (.154/.241/.269, and at least two strikeouts in each of his last five games) getting the afternoon off against a lefty. Flo:
[People] have no idea how badly you're struggling mentally, and how bad you try to do your stuff. ... So when people come out and start to try to bury your ass, it hurts.
Jacoby Ellsbury will also not play today. Terry Francona says
the soreness is getting a little more centrally isolated, which is good. He's still having a little trouble rotating. ... As much as we love having him out there, it's not a good thing to go too quick.
Ortiz has had a terrible start to the season, but J.D. Drew (.167/.259/.292) and Victor Martinez (.229/.270/.400) are not much better. Martinez's slugging is helped out by having three doubles and a dong among his eight hits. OPS+-wise, only Dustin Pedroia and Kevin Youkilis are truly above average.

Adrian Beltre (.345 average) and Mike Cameron (.217) have reached base the same number of times (10). Beltre has not walked in 30 plate appearances. And speaking of 30 plate appearances, Marco Scutaro did not strike out in his first 29 trips to the dish, before fanning in the eighth inning yesterday.

Through eight games:
         W-L  RS  RA   PA   H  2B  HR  BB  AVG  OBP  SLG   TB
Yankees 5-3 46 36 328 78 20 9 42 .278 .376 .459 129
Red Sox 4-4 41 37 312 78 23 10 25 .281 .344 .478 133
Boof Bonser will have his shoulder examined on Friday.
I'm liking Peter Abraham, who notes that Congress wants MLB to ban smokeless tobacco:
Well that is excellent news. Because if Congress has nothing better to do than worry about ballplayers dipping tobacco, every person must have a job, all diseases are cured, every homeless person is off the streets and we're not waging war anywhere in the world.
Henry Waxman (D-CA):
We don't let baseball players go stand out there in the field and drink beer.
For me, seeing Youkilis go over by the foul line and take a long pull off a tall boy in a brown bag would be pretty cool.


  1. Scutaro, SS
    Pedroia, 2B
    Martinez, C
    Youkilis, 1B
    Beltre, 3B
    Lowell, DH
    Drew, RF
    Cameron, CF
    Hall, LF

    Span, CF
    Hudson, 2B
    Mauer, C
    Morneau, 1B
    Cuddyer, RF
    Thome, DH
    Kubel, LF
    Hardy, SS
    Punto, 3B

  2. What did you think of the breakdown on Ortiz's HR's last year Abraham did?

    I guess the Oatmeal's been remixed as Cameron's sitting.

    Scutaro SS
    Pedroia 2B
    Martinez C
    Youkilis 1B
    Beltre 3B
    Lowell DH
    Drew RF
    Hall CF
    Hermida LF

    Pitching: RHP Tim Wakefield.

    Bill Hall, CF'er...not Drew?

  3. Missed yesterday's game due to JV game at same time. Is "frank" as in "Bot franked a couple..." a reference to Frankie Castillo? If so, that is funny (in a sick kind of way). Bot must have hit a couple of guys - I haven't checked the highlights yet.


  4. sparky: it's a postal term. if a letter is franked, it can be sent for free. used for base on balls by sportswriters in the deadball era (dickson's baseball dictionary says 1st use in 1922, but he's wrong as writers in 1918 used it). not sure when it died out.

  5. FY is hotter than a two-peckered billy goat.

  6. At the end of yesterday, his OPS was 1.167.

  7. he is also the same height as a goat.

  8. Beltre has no BB in 30 PA this year. I looked back to see when his last walk of 2009 was. It came on Sept. 24 -- and he had 31 more PA in the season.

    So no walks in his last 61 trips to the plate. Crespo-esque.

  9. MFY play at 7.

    I see that the Jays are 0-2 since the Giddy Post and barely cracked 10,000 at Skydome last night.

  10. Pretty nice when you have a guy like Hermida batting ninth.

  11. Well, we must be winning the pitch-count war so far, at least.

  12. Another day game. Another game I have to miss in order to work. ARRGGGh. Are we having more than the usual day games, or is it me?

  13. 4th day game in a row for the sox (5th for minn!!). i think don said they don't have more than 2 straight the rest of the way.

  14. OTT not the good kind. At least FY made Liriano work.

  15. don: the ball carried to left because there is a 17 mph wind going out that way.

  16. Is four days in a row some kind of record in the modern era? I just don't remember this many in a row in recent times. I usually like day games, but not when I have to be at work!

    Class til 4; I guess the game will be over by the time I get back.

  17. Please, Drew, don't make people start wondering whether Papi can play right field.

  18. zen: saw, but did not read the hr breakdown. looking at HR at b-ref is very easy and quick, but why not look at what tiz did in general? not much value in it, probably.

  19. Well, it's addressing the notion that Ortiz did better from June on, but a lot of his HR's were against bad pitching. And more or less disproves that.

  20. power is a big part of his game, for sure, but the info is limited.

    fookin liriano

  21. Well, at least this doesn't feel like that 1-0 Wakefield-versus-Giambi game anymore.

  22. this is no good, but maybe the longer wait will fuck up liriano's concentration.

  23. Everyone, just hop into FY's backpack.

  24. FY's going to need a bigger backpack.

  25. It's because Heidi isn't there.

  26. We seem destined for a big "L" today.

    Minne's a tough team. They may very well go far.

  27. you know it's a bad day when ...

    nick punto is wearing out your pitching staff.

  28. Ramirez has lowered his era by 50% today (to 15.00). Does that make it a good day?

  29. the bats thought getaway day was in the morning.

  30. I thought I might catch the end of the gamethread. I'm in the airport eating sushi. Looks like this might have been a good game to miss.

  31. I go to class, the score was 1-0. I return, and we lost 8-0---WTF!?

    I am feeling discouraged....

  32. It is discouraging. But we're going to lose around 62 games (give or take) this season. We're just getting some of them out of the way early.

  33. Game was only 2:38, felt longer.

    Off to feed the dogs and then drive to Buffalo!

  34. Could they please spread those 62 losses around a bit more? And not lose so miserably? I'd prefer a 1-0 loss or a 8-7 loss. But 8-0??

    Thank goodness we have Pedroia or I might just be crying.

  35. Crying in April? It's too early for tears!

    8-0, 8-7, fortunately they each count as only one L. And this one comes without nail-biting and the frustrations of coming close.

  36. How do you maintain such a rational attitude! I wish I could...

  37. It isn't something I try for. It
    just is. Winning is best, but I don't get upset about losses this early in the season.

    (To be honest, I rarely get upset about losses at all anymore. But that is always subject to change.)

  38. You have to wonder how much Papi's slow start and attitude hurts the team, he was always on that top step waiting to hug someone, or laughing with someone in the dugout.
    I feel he takes his failure more personally , then as "ok I stink right now but how can I help the team", by pitching fits and worrying about people raggin on him seems a little amateur.

    Even if he starts doing well, I believe he will have a chip on his shoulder , and his attitude will still be lousy....

  39. mmmm, this game sounds like it might have been more enjoyable watching those damn 13 year-olds throw rainbows from 3rd that bounce 2 feet in front of my 1st baseman. At least it was only a practice tonight, but I've seen it to much in games as well.
    Of course, I could have suffered through both, since it was a day game. Of yeah, there is that work thing, isn't there?
    I sure would like to replicate FY 8 times. (I know, he doesn't pitch, but we need a spare in case one of the others gets hurt)
