
April 15, 2010

Trouble In The Outfield

Gordon Edes tweets:
Cameron not going home with team being checked for cause of abdominal pain Checking for appendicit[is]

Ellsbury also to see doctor in Boston Friday can't take deep breath without sharp pain

Sox facing possibility of two outfielders headed to DL
And J.D. Drew's neck has been bothering him recently.

Possible Pawtucket callup Josh Reddick is struggling so badly at the plate that he was benched on Thursday for what Pawtucket manager Torey Lovullo called "a mental health day".

What else? David Ortiz is being sued by Jay-Z.


  1. Looks like I picked a bad week to give up drinking...

  2. The trademark suit against Ortiz is interesting. I will have to see what else I can find out about it.

    As for the rest, it turns my already discouraged attitude even worse.

  3. Apparently we have Devils in the Outfield, not Angels.
    However, after perusing the articles about said health issues, none appear to be much to get dispondent over.

  4. Amy said...
    The trademark suit against Ortiz is interesting. I will have to see what else I can find out about it.

    Are the Dominicans held up to the same laws as the U.S.

  5. 9C, that's one thing I want to check into. I don't know anything about the TM laws in the Dom. Repub. I want to see what Jay Z's complaint says about that issue. I will report back later.

  6. So far I have not found any posting of the actual complaint, just the same news story reprinted 100s of times in different places. I will keep digging. Eventually some blog will post the actual complaint with more details.

  7. For those who are intersted,

    Here is a link to The Trademark Blog with a brief write up and a copy of Jay Z's complaint. The blogwriter, who is a trademark lawyer, has the same questions regarding what this all means in the Dominican Republic. There is nothing in the complaint itself which indicates how the US federal court can reach actions in the DR, although there are lots of allegations about the international fame of Jay Z's mark.

  8. The last thing Papi needs right now--no offense intended, Amy--is dealings with lawyers. I hope he has many many lawyers near at hand (but not too close) whose only job is to keep other lawyers far away from him so he can focus on the One Thing: Being Big Papi.
