
May 27, 2010

Canadian Citizenship Test

Update: Laura's report.

Laura and I take it in roughly two hours!

I don't think we get the actual results today. We need to answer only 12 out of the 20 questions correctly to pass, so we should have a very good idea how we did.

Afterwards, we are going to have a celebratory pint or two at The Brogue, the pub we randomly pulled off the highway and had lunch at on our first drive into Toronto back in April 2004. The first place we rented up here was a five-minute walk from that pub.


  1. They should do it like how the MA Registry of Motor Vehicles would do the permit test and have you stop after you get twelve questions right. Good luck.

  2. Good luck.

    Remember Rocket Richard was the first guy to score 50 goals in 50 games!

  3. That's funny, Benjamin. When I got my Mass license in the spring of 1962, the test was seen as only slightly less important (and difficult) than the SATs we were also cramming for. I had to read your comment twice to understand what you were saying: being just good enough is plenty good enough to drive in Massachusetts!

  4. Thanks, all! Really, the questions should be like Pepe's idea.

    What is a double-double?

    Who was Terry Fox?

    Who is the most overrated Canadian musician? (Gordon Lightfoot, of course.)

    But no, the answers are things like John A Macdonald, the Metis and 1999 (year Nunavut became a territory).

  5. the answers are things like John A Macdonald, the Metis and 1999 (year Nunavut became a territory)

    And "war". At least 4 answers will be war.

  6. We get 30 minutes for the 20 questions.

    See you in G49.

  7. How did it go? Hope all went well.

  8. Totally read that as "Mets" not "Metis"

    I was confused as to why that would've been an answer...something about Jay Bay, maybe.

  9. My post in the G49 thread:

    Appt was at 4, and we lined up and they checked us in, then we waited until someone called us up to ask a few Q and check our info. The woman we spoke with was in no hurry and chit-chatted a bit. After that, we were each given a card like a lotto form where you fill in bubbles for the correct answers. And we went into a big room and sat down. It was about 4:20.

    The intro to the test and the actual came after 6:00! UGH. Really took the excitement out of the experience. I was a yawning machine.

    20 multiple choice questions - needed to get 15 right (not 12). also there were 2 questions that absolutely had to be correct and then a group of 3 where we had to get at least 1.

    we had 30 minutes to do the test, but we finished in maybe 10 or 15. we got out to the car at maybe 6:30. so instead of a pub, we grabbed something quick on the way home.

    laura is 100% sure she passed, i am 98%. i would still like to know for sure. they said we would get a letter in the next 2 months .....


    Now I am 100% I passed. Checked in the booklet on a couple of Q I was unsure about. I got the essentials right and got 18 or 19 out of 20.

  10. So would you now have dual citizenship or just Canadian citizenship? I don't know what the rules are. Just curious - no other reason.

    In either case, congratulations, guys!

  11. Totally read that as "Mets" not "Metis"

    I was confused as to why that would've been an answer...something about Jay Bay, maybe.

    LOL :)

    Detailed report now up on wmtc.

    We will be dual citizens.
