
March 25, 2011

Contest Reminder

Opening Day is one week from today!

If you have not entered the W-L contest, this is a reminder.


  1. Opening Day is one week from today!


  2. Mat Kovach, HardBall Times:

    TJ Simers attempts to bully Marcus Thames. ... He writes for the LA Times?! He criticized his granddaughter’s spelling in his column? ...

    Not to be outdone, Murray Chass, a somebody that used to work for a MSM, attacked Stan Musial based on [a story he did not bother to check the veracity of] ...

    Two, quote mainstream media unquote folks write just like the bloggers they disparage at any chance they can get. Chass' article would not measure up to the sniff test of gossip. Simers just makes my skin crawl. That isn't writing, [it] is an emotional issue.


    Re Murray the Blogger: It was only a few months ago that Chass failed to verify a story (for the first time ever in his entire career, he says!) about Tom Verducci and was reminded “that a reporter always has to check and verify his information”. I guess it’s time for Murray The Blogger to be reminded yet again about the very first rule of journalism.

  3. 5 more emails came in -- 37 entries at the moment.
