
April 26, 2011


Meet Diego, the latest member of our family! He is about two years old and was living at Toronto Animal Services for one month. Laura and I began looking at adoptable dogs about three weeks ago, but after noticing some of the ones we liked were not listed a few days later -- they had been placed in a home -- I stopped looking. I had no intentions of getting hooked on a dog only to find it was long gone by adoption day.

While Laura was in New York last week, she was checking the site and had her eye on Diego.

When she returned, we decided he was the one. There is no way to put a dog "on hold", so we hoped that he would not be snapped up before we could get there. ... And we got him!

Diego is playful, curious, and very happy. Tala hasn't missed a beat. She and Diego got along great at the shelter, and they have been wrestling and romping both in and out of the house since we got home.

(Laura's post about Diego is here.)


  1. Yipee! He looks great. I love the tongue hanging out. Reminds me of our beloved Tribe, the border collie mutt. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

  2. He looks like a very happy boy, landed on all four feet in a good place. May the four of you flourish and prosper.

    Kathryn: so that's the Tribe you were always urging to 'Go.' What a relief!

    I always thought you were a Cleveland or Atlanta fan on your best behavior at JOS!

  3. John, nothing but the Red Sox for me.

    The Tribe is a reference to my college--William & Mary, founded in 1693. They started out as the Indians (they actually were a college for Indians at some time), but later changed their nickname to the Tribe.

  4. Great to hear. He looks like a good dog.

  5. Also - just got back to S.F. from seeing two games in Anaheim. There were 40,100 fans at the game and I swear 40,000 were Red Sox fans. Don't know if you could tell on the radio/t.v. how mighty the presence of Red Sox Nation was in the stadium.

  6. Congratulations on the new dog. Looks a cracker (and actually like my wife's previous dog which was a lab/border collie cross - though a bit smaller than Diego).

    So Laura won't be dog-napping our Jake then? Can security stand down?

  7. SFRSF, it was very obvious! The cheers for Boston were very loud. :)

    LL, perhaps Jake is safe. Or perhaps I will (cliche alert) lull you into a false sense of security, pretending I am satisfied with Diego, while I continue to scheme. Because Jake is SUCH a cutie!!

    But to be honest, we have a strict No Third Dog Rule. So Jake could only visit.

  8. So Jake could only visit.

    If Jake visits, it is highly unlikely that Jake would be allowed to leave. Highly.

  9. I believe he was named for this cartoon character, but if he wants to paint a mural of working people, I'll be very happy about that.

    The shelter named him, and we liked the name enough to keep it. I also thought of Diego Rivera right away.

  10. Also thanks, everyone, for your good wishes. It's great to share the joy.

  11. Just sayin': at our house, we have had, at various times and very strictly, a no-third dog rule, a no-fourth dog rule, a no-fifth dog rule, and a no-sixth dog rule.

    It was only baby-sitting a seventh dog this week that made it clear that we were now in the realm beyond rules. We just knew: no frippin seventh dog.

  12. Lucky dogs (and I mean all of you).
