
May 13, 2011

Lost Posts

Blogger suffered a glitch yesterday and posts posted after a certain time on Wednesday evening were "lost". That's why the wrap-up of G37, the book review, and a general post from yesterday (anything else?) are absent. Blogger says everything will be restored.


  1. Updates here.

    I'm thinking I shouldn't work on any new posts until they have everything running normally.

  2. I have three classes running on blogger--I was supposed to be reading and commenting on last minute stuff Wednesday and giving finals yesterday.

    The hours of comments I posted Wednesday haven't yet reappeared (and like all my comments were comment-gold, so good that, if they stay lost in cyberspace, even I can't hope to repeat their excellence [especially now that grades are done and summer aimlessness is in full swing....])

    I'd like to see that review again--as it was, I used it as a quick mental break from reading student stuff but intended to reread it carefully and probably get the book too!

  3. Some details about Blogger glitch here.

  4. I wondered what was going on. I tried to post several times yesterday and kept getting pushed to some weird Blogger page.

  5. At least there wasn't a game last night!

  6. At least there wasn't a game last night!

    Yes, a night without a loss!

  7. If only the blogger glitch could wipe out Lackey's performance too.

  8. If only the blogger glitch could wipe out Lackey's performance too.

    To paraphrase a Seinfeld line, that would be some magic glitch.

  9. Update (5/13 7:46PM PST): Nearly all posts since Wednesday are restored, now bringing back comments from last couple days. We expect the comments to be back this weekend or sooner.

    Maybe they are going in alphabetical order based on the blogger's last name...

  10. My blogger posts haven't been restored either. Here's an ironic or weird note--I went to to order 'Remembering Fenway'--and the amazon servers have been down all day.

  11. 2 posts have returned -- "G37" and "Lackey: Everything Sucks" -- and I posted them (May 11 and 12) but no comments with either post.

    No idea if game thread comments are coming back (beyond the 18 that are in the earlier post).

    The book review is still AWOL.

  12. And "Wakefield Is Oldest Sox" (also May 12) is back.
