
February 19, 2012

Beckett: Lapses In Judgment, Mistakes In Clubhouse


Some comments on the end of the 2011 season from Josh Beckett:
I had lapses in judgment, I can't speak for everybody else. I want to keep it at that.

I had things going on and I got distracted. ... [G]oing forward I would definitely change not being distracted.

We made mistakes in the clubhouse, and that's about as far as I'll go talking about the clubhouse.

I put on a little bit of weight [towards the end of last season]. I don't have a reason for it.

There's also some ill feelings toward some people. [Q: When you say people...?] There's people.
("People" who leaked information about the lapses in judgment and mistakes in the clubhouse, no doubt.)
Jon Lester:
[The fans] should be [angry]. We didn't play very good. With all the other stuff added on top of that, it's obviously going to make it worse. I don't blame them for being mad. ... We stunk. I stunk. I take complete responsibility for it. ... With that being said, we've all learned from it. We've all moved on. I'm sure that's going to be a big theme in spring training for a lot of guys. We're moving on and we're looking forward to 2012. ... I think a lot of fans don't think we care and that we're a bunch of babies, but we do care. We want to win and we want to get back into the playoffs and hopefully bring a World Series back to this town ...
More Lester here. Video clips of both Beckett and Lester at ESPNBoston.


  1. Also, I read in the Herald that several people stated the fried chicken in the clubhouse during games came from Mike Cameron, who started it in late 2010.

  2. And Mike Cameron just announced his retirement today...

  3. From SOSH:
    mt8thsw9th: What does he mean by "there is people"?
    E5 Yaz: He means "there is corporations"
