
March 1, 2012

Red Sox Spring Training, 1912

The players - in full uniforms, with caps - would often walk or hike for a few miles in the morning. The Red Sox trained in Hot Springs, Arkansas through most of the 1910s.
Thanks to Jere for pointing me towards the Boston Public Library's Flickr photo stream.


  1. This was only required of players caught drinking beer in the clubhouse.

  2. I believe this same picture was in the first edition of Red Sox Century. Cool stuff!

  3. Hot Springs was a notorious haunt of gamblers, bootleggers, jockeys, prostitutes, gangsters, dreamers and schemers, wildcatters, tramps, medical quacks, troublemakers of all sorts. Not exactly wholesome, but I'm sure the ballplayers had some fun before curfew....

  4. "Pa, home tomorrow. Broke my ankle hiking in Hot Springs. Out for the season. Meet the train, Sonny."

  5. "I thought you said we'ed get some tail up here."

    "No, quail, I said quail, dummy"

  6. "How much longer?"

    "There it is!"

    "Man, that kid Ruth can really slug the ball."


    (I know it's three years too early)
