
April 2, 2012

Bailey Told He Needs Surgery; Will Get Second Opinion

Red Sox closer Andrew Bailey has been told he needs surgery on his right thumb according to major league sources.

Bailey was examined by team doctors in Boston today. He will be in Cleveland on Tuesday to get a second opinion from Dr. Thomas Graham, a respected hand specialist and surgeon.

If Graham agrees with the recommendation for surgery, it could happen as soon as Tuesday. It is uncertain how long Bailey would be out.
Not exactly what we want to hear two days before Opening Day. So, Alfredo Aceves or Mark Melancon as closer?


  1. And here we go....

    I remember a time when Pap stepped up and said he would be the closer...any chance of Bard doing that...I don't think so..

  2. Cook, against the Nats today: 5-2-1-1-2, 70.

    He's been doing quite well.
