
September 30, 2012

Twin Peaks

Jose Iglesias and Pedro Ciriaco were part of the annual rookie hazing before the Red Sox headed out to Baltimore last week for its final road trip of the season.
This pic and three others are here.

Googling around for other teams' hazing pics indicates that the Red Sox's ideas were pretty lame. (It also indicates that Larry Brown Sports is the place to go for pics.) Both Atlanta and San Francisco showed far more variety and creativity. The season's winner might be Mike Trout, who was dressed up as Lady Gaga.


  1. I always like these pics. I always note the players who seem to really enjoy it.

    People still find my blog searching for LBJ in a dress.

  2. Wait a minute. After the last home game I watched all the players come out to the bus, ready for the hazing. They were all dressed normally. In the pics I see them in a locker room and outside a train. If the trip took place the next day (the off day), where did the bus take them that night?

    Since the pics came out after Sunday's game, I have to believe we're looking at the Baltimore clubhouse, and that they did this on the Balt-to-NYC trip.

  3. (I also don't like how they repeated a costume--here's a shot I got of Tazawa in '09, also as Dorothy.)
