
June 3, 2013

Ortiz's Epic Bat Flip

I could watch this all day.

Thanks to Dr. Jeff for finding it here and sending it along.
Update: I found a second gif:


  1. "I won't be needing this any more."

    Nice getting the two Red Sox fans' reaction behind the plate, too. Red Shirt has a brief Holy Shit! moment before cheering and White Hair decides Yeah, I Better Stand Up For This One.

  2. That bat flip! Not to mention Papi's look of utter disdain. A violation of the Code? A knockdown in his future?

  3. Kuroda was quoting as not caring about it. In short: he hit a dong, what do you expect?

  4. Watching it again, I equally love the reaction from MFY C Romine behind the plate.

  5. it appears that MLB continues to fall down in terms of what should be considered appropriate.

    Good lord.

    Three cheers to Neyer for speaking out against the "politicization of baseball uniforms".

  6. That bat flip is a thing of beauty. Last night I missed some of the game, then turned on the TV just as Ortiz was taking that swing!

  7. Kuroda was quoting as not caring about it. In short: he hit a dong, what do you expect?

    Smart man. Even the announcers were like, if you can hit 'em like that, you deserve to admire your handiwork.

  8. Also, baseball is probably the least demonstrative sport when it comes to celebrating non-game-winning hits or goals or points.

  9. Actually the lady yankee fan in the white sleeveless to the left of blue red sox nike pullover guy is the best!

    Ha ha!

  10. I was at that game last night. It was absolute bomb. That was a HR in all parks. The Yankee fans were really quiet all night. Just a different feel in that new stadium. It is more of a tourist trap than Yankee Stadium. No energy the whole night. It was a. 1000 degrees as well. The food selections never stop at that place I ate an Ice cream cone from Carvel in 7 seconds . I had no choice it was dripping down my arm.

  11. The female Yankee fan behind the plate has a great reaction. She just covers her mouth as if she saw a kitten get hit by a car. I agree that the catchers reaction
    is even better than hers
