
March 17, 2014

So ... Spring Training

The Red Sox are in spring training - ready to defend their third World Series title in 10 years - and I have posted next to nothing about it.

While I've read random articles about what is going on in the last month, I have not been following all that closely. (Here is a look at the likely roster.)

What this lack of interest means for the regular season, if anything, I have no idea. I'm pretty sure that once the games begin, I'll be back in the blogging groove (such as it is).

Xander says Opening Day is two weeks away!


  1. No, Xander says that Jeter is a "L"oser.

  2. Allan, I also find myself lacking interest in what is happening in Fort Myers this spring.

    The fact that Boston and New York play this afternoon means absolutely nothing to me when the final result counts for nothing.

    Truth be told, there really is little to no drama this spring in Red Sox camp. The opening day roster is pretty much a given at this stage, aside from what outfielder becomes the odd man out when camp ends.

  3. If I am looking forward to anything, it would be the first game thread of the season on the JoS boards!

  4. I don't know how some bloggers do it. I have a celtics blog. But just couldn't maintain the interest level (as in my own interest). You need an almost maniacal passion and a life devoid of other interests to keep up the pace. How could anyone expect that many years to pass with absolutely nothing changing in that regard?

  5. I have a Red Sox fan site that I maintain, too, (yesterday marked ten years since I bought the domain name) and it is extremely challenging to keep the content fresh between my full-time job, my family, and my other priorities.

    I'm still as passionate as I was ten years ago but I only have two, maybe three hours every week to give it my attention, regardless of whether it's mid-season or the off-season.

    I give a LOT of credit to Allan and his ability to keep this site flourishing.

  6. Fen: Well, that makes me feel a little better. It's true, there is not much roster drama. Also, I have to admit that with three titles in 10 years, the urgency and obsession I had with the team has disappeared. I do look forward to watching games, though, as always.

    You need an almost maniacal passion and a life devoid of other interests to keep up the pace.

    Part of the problem was not paying that much attention to the blog last summer while working on DLUWT. I think I'm still in that habit.

  7. I've watch portions of a couple of spring training games. It's exciting because Baseball! and the fact that it's still annoyingly cold here. This is a harbinger of open windows to come.

    I've also enjoyed seeing players. In the last few years I've mostly been listening to the games on the radio (via my phone).

    It's been a long winter.

  8. I feel you on the confident apathy. We know that this team can win, which we didn't last year. We know that this team will have a personality, which we didn't last year. But we don't need to watch every day to see if that personality is sprouting. Right now we're just watching spring training to see ~40 mostly familiar faces practicing baseball.

  9. Everything between September of '11 and the end of '12...was just so damned dreadful. And last year so damned astonishing....

    I'm still figuratively gasping for breath after those two plus seasons. And when I start to catch my breath, all my old RS stress and anxiety are hiding in the corner. That long drama is over. There are no hangovers, things to prove or disprove, scores to settle, arguments to be won, mistakes to be rued, etc.

    2014: fresh start, clean slate, whatever happens happens--so, for me anyway, I'm not in the middle of a tight game hanging on every pitch. I'm in Kenmore on game day, walking toward the park, feeling nothing but pleasant anticipation.

    I wouldn't call that 'lack of interest.' For me, it's lack of a new storyline. No doubt, one will develop soon enough.

  10. Who needs storylines when we're T minus 16 days from a ring ceremony :)))))))

    I'm also extremely excited about the Yankees' infield this year.

  11. You do a great job, allan.

    I keep coming back.

    : )

  12. It looks like Soxaholix is calling it a day...
