
April 3, 2016

2016 Red Sox W-L Contest Entries

Here are the 40 entries for the 2016 W-L contest.

               W-L    PRICE ERA

Laura K      100-62     3.10

Jere S        99-63     2.99

Chris S       95-67     2.63
David P       95-67     2.99

Bernard S     93-69     2.66
Dan C         93-69     2.81
Jeff M        93-69     3.09
Benjamin B    93-69     3.18
Lewis S       93-69     3.37

Bern L        92-70     2.79
Ian R         92-70     3.35
Tim T         92-70     3.41

Timothy M     91-71     2.72
John Q        91-71     3.16
Ray P         91-71     3.34
Michael B     91-71     3.47

Matt B        90-72     2.68
Allan W       90-72     2.90
Matt H        90-72     3.27

Paul H        89-73     2.37 
Tim L         89-73     3.13
Jeff A        89-73     3.20
Kathryn L     89-73     3.98

David F       88-74     2.79
Jeff J        88-74     2.99 
John G        88-74     3.00
Jeffrey A     88-74     3.08
Ben A         88-74     3.25
Matt Ka       88-74     3.45

Jeff L        87-75     2.84
Bill F        87-75     3.38

Nick R        86-76     3.27

Andy M        85-77     3.12

Rich G        83-79     2.42
Brad G        83-79     3.68

Ben T         81-81     3.04

Timothy C     80-82     3.12
David B       80-82     3.78

Rick N        78-84     2.86

Matt Ko       75-87     3.42


  1. My method: the number you'd be thrilled to see, plus one.

    Very scientific!

  2. My method: the number you'd be thrilled to see, plus one.

    I would have guessed something about the US-Canadian exchange rate...

    Last year, there was one person who predicted a losing record; it's up to four this year! Forget that, I refuse to be negative about their chances. One more ring for Papi!

  3. No I hope Laura is 20 games short !!! Next year maybe Allan can institute a " low auction " for the number of games we hope the Evil Empire win !
