
April 18, 2016

Hating MFY President Randy Levine Has Never Been Easier

Craig Calcaterra, Hardball Talk:
[In an interview with the New York Times,] Levine actually tries to argue that Yankee Stadium is like some mom and pop shop, built with the elbow grease of businessmen like himself as opposed to the dollars of taxpayers ...

Levine goes on to argue that other public assistance to the Yankees — the building of a train station, the granting them public parkland to build Yankee Stadium and the subsequent construction of another park to replace it — are all things that are good for the public. ...

Which is pretty typical of the class of people who hang with Levine. Welfare? The use of tax dollars to assist others? Public works? Bah! That’s socialism! Unless of course they need it, then tax dollars freely given are just part of the genius of capitalism.
These delusional assholes like Levine, with their hands so deep into taxpayers' pockets, trying to convince us they are grabbing money they inherently deserve, make it so easy to hate them.

1 comment:

  1. Levine goes on to argue that other public assistance to the Yankees — the building of a train station, the granting them public parkland to build Yankee Stadium and the subsequent construction of another park to replace it — are all things that are good for the public. ...

    Then it's time for a new ticket price structure. Bleachers are free, upper deck is $5, and so on, with a top-ticket price of $20. That would be good for the public. Get rid of some of those empty seats, too.
