
June 17, 2019


On April 5, I posted that we had adopted a dog named Kai.

Well, on May 9, we adopted another dog. Her name is Cookie. ... And she deserves her own post, too, even if it is a bit late. So here it is.

Laura met Cookie outside the library a few months ago. Her then-people were clearly in over their heads with this wild, young dog. Cookie lived in the basement and may have spent some days loose on a nearby beach. Laura dropped a hint or two that if Cookie did not work out with them, she was interested in adopting her.

On May 7, the Cookie people came to the library and told Laura that if she was serious about adopting her, she was at our town's Animal Shelter. (In the meantime, we had adopted Kai.) I called and was told Cookie had been there for five days; after one week, she would be driven down to Campbell River (the closest big town, almost three hours south). We went over the next morning and signed the papers, ignoring our "No Third Dog" rule that had been firmly in place for 30 years, because ... fuck it!

May 9 (Cookie comes home)

May 22

June (at Storey's Beach)

Hanging out at home with her sister Kai and big brother Diego

Also: On her initial Cookie post, Laura wrote this on May 10: "There is zero chance of us getting a larger property -- considering we rent, and this was literally the only place we found that allowed dogs."

Well, it turns out that chance was not exactly zero. In fact, by May 26, we had decided to buy a house (something we were adamantly against for decades), looked at four or five available homes in the Port Hardy area, found one I loved, found one Laura loved, wrestled with various pros and cons before coming to a decision, made an offer, had the offer accepted, applied for a mortgage, and were approved for said mortgage!

If all goes according to plan, we'll take possession of the house on July 5. (insert eye-popping, jaw-dropping emoji here)


  1. A third dog and the purchase of a house? Who are you people?!

    Congratulations to you and L! Cookie appears to have taken to her new home and her new canine pack well. I especially love the last photo in the post.

  2. Dog-centered homes and families make a lot of sense to me! Five is our limit except the two times we somehow wound up with six. We have one dog who is so easy to deal with (that's Boca) that if we could clone her, we could handle a dozen.

  3. Who are you people?!

    Sometimes, I have no idea. ... Also confusing for me: Being happy more of the time.

    I may write more about the house flip-flop in July. Short version: Real estate prices are insane in NYC and the Toronto area, but not here. And all BC landlords have the right to refuse to rent to people with pets (and most do refuse). That's it, really. It's affordable security. (The price of the house we're buying would probably be 3X as high in the Greater Toronto Area, with a smaller yard.)

  4. I especially love the last photo in the post.

    I don't Cookie can take a bad picture. I am quite partial to the first one. There are particular pictures of our dogs that I can point to that I feel really capture their whole being. She's only been with us 5.5 weeks, but that one feels like Cookie right now.

  5. Who are you people?!

    Sometimes, I have no idea. ... Also confusing for me: Being happy more of the time.

    Be forewarned: if I start to see you praising the announcers or the umpires in your posts, then expect an intervention. ;-)

  6. Really sweet brother. Looks like an amazing family.
