
August 28, 2019

After Fifteen Years, A Series of Secret Download Surprises

Okay, here's what's going to happen. Starting today, I will post a link in comments on an almost-daily basis.

From that link, you will be able to download a secret fifteen-year-old surprise. There will be at least 23 surprises between now and October 8. (Probably 26.)

Each download link will be good for seven days. After that, it will expire. So ... if anything from fifteen years ago interests you, you should bookmark this post and check back every day or so.


  1. In the immortal words of Peter Sellers ......

    Does your dog bite ?

    Or is it a case of .....

    That is not my dog !

  2. That dog looks so much like our Diego, who we lost a couple of months ago. I was looking for some type of "surprise" picture or gif and typed in 'surprise dog" and he popped up.

    Longtime readers may recall my discussions with MLB over their game downloads and how fans could not watch what they had paid for after a while. Just another example of how MLB treats its fans like shit; the most loyal fans are screwed over the most.

  3. 9/17 seems a little funky... The file is substantially smaller than the others at 166MB and it seems to end in the top of the 2nd inning.

  4. You're right. Odd. The length of the file is supposedly 5:24 (which is far longer than any of the previous files), but the game was played in 3:19 (and the game begins at about the 38-minute mark). I don't know ... that's just what it is, I guess. (fuckin' mlb...)

  5. September 26

    Bonus Short Anti-NESN Rant:
    One of NESN's many features is celebrating an earlier season on a milestone anniversary. In 2017, they did a nightly look back at the 2007 season, because it had been 10 years. In 2018, they looked back at 2013 on the five-year anniversary. So it's 2019. Which season should NESN recall? Hey, how about 2004? It's been 15 years. Many viewers were very young children that season. If they are 20 now, they were only five years old back then. And if they did 2004 in 2014, well, that was already five years ago. Anyway, it's 2004, for god's sake! It's always a good time to mention 2004! ... But, no. NESN decides to "look back" at 2018, this being the one-year anniversary. So lame. ... I'd close with a sarcastic "Never change, NESN", but we all know NESN will never change.

  6. Note: Not done yet. Three more to come ...

  7. October 8

    And that brings us to the end of our look back at 2004!!!
    The MLB Box Set picks up with ALCS G1.
