
July 30, 2020

Two Phillies Test Positive, All Activity At Home Park Stopped "Until Further Notice"

Looks like the Phillies were not spared after all.

A coach and a member of Philadelphia's clubhouse staff have both tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, which means all activity at Citizens Bank Park has been stopped "until further notice". Phillies center fielder Andrew McCutchen: "This really sucks."

The Phillies have canceled their weekend series against the Blue Jays. The Jays will stay in Washington this weekend after finishing a series with the Nationals tomorrow.

The Marlins reported yet another positive test, raising the team's total to 17 players and two coaches. (Seeing as it's Florida, has anyone suggested drinking demon semen smoothies?) While they wait for their schedule to resume, the Marlins are figuring out how to fill their half-empty roster.

Anyway, if you're in the area and have a glove and a face mask, perhaps you should give Capt. Intangibles a call.
The Union is getting feedback from players about having doubleheaders of only seven innings or nine innings for the opener and seven for the second game. A proposal might be made by Saturday (or the Union might come to its senses and drop the idea).

Angels manager Joe Maddon:
Right now, I don't think it's necessary based on how this season has been set up. If the doubleheaders were to pile up for whatever reason, I would have it like in a contingency plan. ... The sixth inning, the fifth inning play differently based on when the game is supposed to conclude. ... I get it from the perspective of expediency, if it's necessary. ... I'm not going to speak badly of any kind of suggestion right now that people believe is going to help us get through the season, get through the playoffs and conclude them.
Really? Not speak badly of any suggestion? Hell, why don't we just end the game as soon as one team scores? That will make for shorter games. ... Boom! Leadoff dong! Time of game: 0:01.
Oh, no! We've lost Jayson Stark!
"I love the new extra-inning rule!"

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