
January 29, 2021

AROD's Self-Help Tips (#1: Buy A Large, Gray Hammock)

Two days ago:

David Roth, Defector, January 27, 2021:

Wednesdays, right? They take it out of you. You're halfway home, sure, but there's still all this, like, week just glowering down and looming up ahead. And the days are short and strange and acidic, every day is now, and the sun sometimes just doesn't come out at all. . . . 

In light of this, we suggest you do what Alex Rodriguez and other undeniably regular human people do—get some time outside, away from your Zoom meetings, and as the popular saying goes "refresh [your] batteries." Feel free to assume a normal stance as you do this! . . .

That's better, isn't it?

The comments at both sites are gold. 

1 comment:

  1. Hump Day?? The "re-branding" of ARod from his days of visiting the Brass Rail in Toronto is enough to make you doubt the sanity of the human race. Until you read the comments ...
