
February 6, 2022

Happy 127th Birthday, Babe Ruth!

On this date in 1895, George Herman Ruth was born.

The dates of Babe Ruth's first and final major league home runs are May 6, 1915 and May 25, 1935.

Over that span of 20 years and 19 days, Ruth hit 714 official home runs.

Ruth out-homered two teams over that time period: the Red Sox (653) and Reds (672). Ruth nearly out-homered two additional teams: the White Sox (720) and Senators (724).

He also led both leagues in showing off his big bat to the ladies.


  1. He also led both leagues in showing off his big bat to the ladies.

    That's what she said...

    (Sorry, I couldn't help it...) 😉

  2. Tell me the LA Limited isn't in motion here.

  3. Wouldn't it be cool if there was a book that kinda covered Babe Ruth's early life but also told the story of the 1918 Red Sox?

  4. Happy belated birthday to Babe Ruth. I hope he is showing off his bat in heaven. Speaking of heaven, wishes for a miserable rotten birthday to Ronald Reagan, I hope he is rotting in hell. Un/fortunately my birthday happens to be the same day . I dont know if I will go to heaven or hell. If I do end up in hell, I will make sure to kick Ronald Reagan in the nuts for spawning a global threat to decency, justice, equality and for all the climate-change denying racist ratfuckers who take him as an inspiration.
